Friday, February 21, 2020

The Evolution and Importance of Advertising Essay

The Evolution and Importance of Advertising - Essay Example During the era of written advertisement, other types of adverts were even in play; one of such methods was town criers. Town crier refers to an individual who publicly announces information; this was a good method to communicate with those who still were illiterate. These individuals used to roam around a particular town announcing different types of information such as public policies, goods and services that are being sold and news paper information. Town criers are recognized the first form of aural broadcasters as they orally provided information in live form to a particular audience who were in the surrounding areas (Russell, 1993, p.25). This means of advertisement was considered better as this information was obtained by people in first hand form as compared to magazines and a newspaper in which the information is reaches the public after a short delay. Previously information used to target a larger market and advertisements were expected to bring in huge amount of returns. Now, advertisements are more niches based due to increase in merchandisers focus on customer niches. Consumer awareness have increased due to changes in educational system, now consumers can easily tell when they are being cheated or being manipulated into buying goods and services and when wrongful information is being provided to them. Advertisers have to involve huge amount of time and effort while conducting the process of creating and delivering advertisements as consumers nowadays have become tech savvy. Today, a merchandiser cannot depend on one or two tools of advertisement in order to gain the attention of consumers. Currently, if businesses have to make their advertising operations successful, they have to use Integrated Marketing Communication. Integrated Marketing Communication refers to the use of all tools and resources available for advertising to gain consumers attention. These tools range from mobile phones to internet communities, blogs and social networks. Importance of Economy and Managers Economics rule states that when consumers have more money, they tend to spend more and save less, keeping this concept in view, economy has a major impact on advertiser’s efforts. If advertisement is conducted during the period of economic down trend, when the unemployment rate is high and people have less money to spend, the efforts of advertisement fail as during that time period, people tend to spend less and save more. All businesses have a specific budget especially for advertising purpose. A manager’

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The Impact of Motivation on English Language Learning Research Paper

The Impact of Motivation on English Language Learning - Research Paper Example Although it is widely documented that motivation is a proven means to success in language learning, several countries, like the Gulf States, remain reluctant to cultivate learners’ motivation to learn a second language due to several reasons. Therefore, this research paper analyses the impact of motivation on English language learning. Introduction Motivation has been broadly recognised by scholars, researchers, and teachers as one of the major variables that determine the level and success of second language learning (SLA). As emphasised by Dornyei (2001), â€Å"teacher skills in motivating learners should be seen as central to teaching effectiveness† (P. 116). Motivated learners are enthusiastic, eager to work hard, concentrate on the tasks given, do not require constant encouragement, willingly confront challenges, and could even motivates others, facilitating collaborative learning. The early attempt to understand the impact of motivation on English language learnin g stems from the field of social psychology (Gu, 2009). This research paper analyses the impact of motivation on English language learning in terms of the various motivational theories. The motivation of learners greatly affects their willingness to take part in the process of learning. Numerous studies have reported the importance of viewing the concept of motivation as a multifaceted phenomenon. Oxford and Shearin (1994) have examined a number of motivational theories and six variables that influence motivation in language learning (Al-Bustan & Al-Bustan, 2009, S454): Attitudes (i.e. sentiments towards the target language). Beliefs about self (i.e. expectations about one’s attitudes to succeed, self-efficiency, and anxiety). Goals (perceived clarity and relevance of learning goals as reasons for learning). Involvement (i.e. extent to which the learner actively and consciously participates in the learning process). Environmental support (i.e. extent of teacher and peer suppo rt). Personnel attributes (i.e. aptitude, and language learning experience). As argued by Pit Corder, â€Å"given motivation, it is inevitable that a human being will learn a second language if he is exposed to the language data† (Dornyei & Ushioda, 2009, 1). This statement was given four decades ago and, from then on, numerous theroetical perspectives and studies investigating the multifaceted nature of motivation and its impact on second language learning have emerged. At the same time, the world has also witnessed the growth of globalisation, European reconstruction, the demise of communism, extensive economic and political migration, greater mobility, and the rapid development of media technologies—all contributing to the relentless pace of global English (McKay, 2002). In other words, over the recent decades the world has transformed dramatically—it is currently distinguished by sociocultural and linguistic flexibility and diversity, where language learning , identity, and ethnicity have become multifaceted contemporary subject matters and the focus of considerable attention in the field of sociolinguistic. However, it is only recently that those engaged in the field of second language learning motivation have actually started to investigate what this evolving global phenomena may suggest for how scholars conceptualise the motivation to acquire proficiently in global English as second language for individuals wanting to gain global recognition or identity (Shafaei & Nejati, 2008). In other words, motivation