Wednesday, November 20, 2019

American Imperialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

American Imperialism - Essay Example Therefore the main reason for adopting an imperialistic policy was to dominate over economic resources which have always been control by the advanced capitalist countries over the liquid and real economic resources of economically backward areas. Since the easiest way to colonize was to take over main liquid resources as foreign exchange and public and private savings, and real resources consist of agricultural, mineral, transportation, communication, manufacturing, and commercial facilities and other assets, therefore Nationalist economic policy worked. Restricted free trade was monopolized and inhibited the growth of income and economic well-being, but these barriers were lowered by the breakup of the European empires. Such an imperialist policy was rationalized as the trademark of this doctrine was based on the notion that exploitive economic relations between the advanced and backward capitalist countries would not be able survive in a world of politically independent countries (Fann & Hodges, 1971: 24). The countries that were affected by the foreign policy of America were Philippines, the Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Palau and Puerto Rico. However across the globe American imperialism in the first half of the nineteenth century presided over Ottoman, Persian and Russian empires thereby expanding its empire towards the northward, westward, and southward while establishing its authority over all parts of its territory (Iriye, 2005). As an imperial state, the nineteenth century for America brought persuasion, coercion, and outright conquest and often insured that tariffs and other taxes were turned over to foreign bondholders. Therefore in the presence of military rule, foreign lending was frequently a precarious undertaking which Latin American countries, witnessed by experiencing an uneven history of bond payments. The deployment of the U.S Imperialist policies, particularly in

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