Thursday, December 26, 2019

Indigenous Australian Aboriginals and the Colony of Britain.

Indigenous Australians are believed to have arrived onto Australian mainlands across the sea of from Maritime, Southeast Asia 40,000 –70,000 years ago. In 1606 was the first known landing within Australia by Europeans by a Dutch navigator named Willem Janszoon. During the 17th century other Dutch navigators explored the western and southern coasts of Australia, numerous European explorers followed, however, in 1770 Lieutenant James Cook explored the East Coast of Australia representing Britain returning with accounts favouring colonisation at Botany Bay, New South Wales. Seventeen years after Cook’s touchdown on the east coast of Australia, the British government decided to establish a colony at Botany Bay. Indigenous language contained a lot of spiritual words and beliefs, the ‘dreamtime’ or ‘dreaming’ is their connection to the land and Earth. (Jens Korff, 2014) Students Kiarra and Karri Moseley and Luke Bidner- â€Å"My culture is my identity. Dreamtime stories tell the life of my people. Growing older. Hearing stories of my ancestors living off the land Becoming one with the creatures Even though I havent met them I feel this unbreakable connection Through the stories I have heard. The stories that have been passed down through generations. These stories are living through us. Without our culture we have no identity And without our identity We have nothing.† (Jens Korff, 2014) The dreaming creates the structures of society, the rules for social behaviour and theShow MoreRelatedNotes: European Settlement of Australia Commenced in 1788. Prior to This, Indigenous Australians Inhabited the Continent and Had Unwritten Legal Codes1085 Words   |  5 Pages1788. Prior to this, Indigenous Australians inhabited the continent and had unwritten legal codes Terra Nullius: Terra Nullius: A Latin term which translates as Empty Land or Nobody s Land . Captain Cook declared Australia to be Terra Nullius when he sailed into Botany Bay on April 28th 1770, so that he could claim Australia for Britain. This proclamation ignored the fact that hundreds of different groups of Indigenous people occupied the land. The indigenous people did not haveRead MoreThe Effects Of The Changing Government Policies Towards Aboriginal People Over Time1088 Words   |  5 PagesDiscuss the effects of the changing government policies towards aboriginal people over time: What was the protection policy in relation to Aboriginal people? How did it effect Aboriginal Australians? Give examples Significance This document made Victoria the first Colony to enact a comprehensive scheme to regulate the lives of Aboriginal people. 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It produces wool and meatRead MoreAnalysis Of Kath Walker s We Are Going 1328 Words   |  6 Pagesand racial discrimination. With the publication `We Are Going in 1964, Kath Walker (1920-1993) became the first Australian aboriginal poet to publish a book of verse. This brought her an immediate success and international popularity. In this collection of 30 poems, she goes from staging a protest against the foreign oppressors to beautifully describe the delicacies of the aboriginal cultures to fight for the human rights to envision a harmonious future. In order to put these poems in proper perspectiveRead More Australian Government Policy Essay3747 Words   |  15 PagesAustralian Government Policy The first English settlement in Australia was established in 1788. Before this the Aborigines lived in the land in harmony. However, after the English arrived, the two different cultures were in close contact and had to determine how to coexist. White Europeans did not respect the Aborigines’ right to the land and it’s resources. With brutal force, they took control of the land and claimed it as their own. Australians then developed their own policies on how to dealRead MoreHit A Six With Australia s National Identity1465 Words   |  6 Pagesculture†, and subsequently represents an influential part of Australian culture. However, the modernity discourse undermines the degree to which Australian identity is taking into account British Legacy.Today the Australian culture is comprised of a differing scope of encounters, nationalities and cultures, subsequently confounding the idea that Australian identity is based on British heritage. The verbose accentuation set o n Australia’s indigenous origin, colonial past and multicultural present, consequentlyRead MoreIndigenous Studies2750 Words   |  11 Pagesï » ¿ Indigenous Studies Topic: The colonisation of Australia was based on the legal fiction of terra nullius. Compare and contrast the consequences of terra nullius on the experience of Australian Indigenous people, with indigenous peoples’ experiences of colonisation in Canada. Word count: 2,014 Making cultural or political comparisons between Canada and Australia is not a new phenomenon. Both are now independent former colonies of Great Britain, who have inherently adopted many of itsRead MoreRacism In Australia - The Rise and Fall of the White Australia Policy1308 Words   |  6 Pageslive here for many different reasons.. They have all called themselves Australians and had accepted Australia as their new home. Although the perspective of accepting a different race/culture has changed, racism still exists in Australia. Australia’s indigenous people were the first victims of racism in this country. For about 50,000 years before the settlement of the British, Australia was occupied exclusively by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. After the settlement of the British

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Argumentative Analysis Of Abortion Rights - 1564 Words

Argumentative Analysis of Abortion Rights Abortion has been a controversial topic and fluctuated in-and-out of political discussions for decades, but has started to become a more popular debate topic as of late. People have debated between â€Å"Pro-Choice†, a woman’s right to choose, as well as â€Å"Pro-Life†, strictly anti-abortion, as well as the lawmakers part in recognizing the issue. A Harvard College newspaper printed an opinion-based article by Tanya Luhrmann for Abortion Rights Action Week called, The Pro-Choice Argument. The author claims that a powerful part of American life is the experience of being a mother, and that each side, â€Å"Pro-Choice† and â€Å"Pro-Life†, feels attacked from one another affecting the mother and child relationship.†¦show more content†¦2). Trying to persuade the readers, the author shows her own personal opinion that the fetus should be considered a human being at conception, as well as earn the sam e rights as the mother and have a chance to live, even if some complications stand in the way. She continues to use a multitude of examples to successfully extort her opinion and reason across that she is against abortion; however, she could be easily swayed if tough circumstance or situation comes around. This personal touch adds to her rationale, allowing for support and validity throughout the rest of the article.The structure that the author chose to put her argument in is very wisely chosen because her strong points are shown first, then her weaker ones in the middle, and lastly, an astounding ending wraps everything together proving her point. She describes the two arguments on the second page as the problems that the fetus faces in gaining any kind of equal rights. Luhrmann wrote, â€Å"Animals and children are unavoidably present within a society, and to ensure that they remain functioning members of that society they must be protected from exploitation by other societal me mbers† (p. 2). This is followed by a comparison example of an Australian whoShow MoreRelatedWhat Is An Argumentative Passage Analysis875 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is an argumentative passage analysis? In a passage analysis, you take some piece of written prose which contains an argument and extract the argument from it. In order to do this, you must identify the conclusion of the argument, as well as any premises that support the conclusion, and structure them in such a way that the argument is clearly valid (if indeed it is valid in the passage). Here is an example of an argumentative passage: Socrates is a man, and all men are mortal. As such, SocratesRead MoreArgumentative Essay : First Amendment Junkie By Susan Jacoby1042 Words   |  5 PagesAmber Rogers Dr. Kim Loel Argumentative Analysis of the Essay â€Å"First Amendment Junkie† by Susan Jacoby What is a First Amendment Junkie? According to author Susan Jacoby, censorship of any form is wrong. From the beginning of Jacoby’s essay, â€Å"First Amendment Junkie,† it’s obvious where she stands on the topic. Jacoby states that the people who most support the censorship of pornography are women. These women are often self-proclaimed feminists who ironically support the First Amendment. WhileRead MoreEpistemology And Its Impact On Human Relations1839 Words   |  8 Pagesis a great connectedness between the human interpretation of who they are, the matters affecting them, communication efficiency and the information they have based on epistemological, ontological and axiological knowledge. 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The sources should then be evaluated for accuracy. Everything should then be meticulously documented. There are many topics that can be used for this purpose. The list includes animal rights, minimum wage, vaccines, climate change, immigration, obesity, overpopulation, spanking, smoking bans, wind energy, and school uniforms. Exploratory research  of  research  conducted for a problem that has not been clearly defined. Exploratory researchRead MoreEmbryonic Stem Cell Research: To Be or Not To Be? Essay1853 Words   |  8 Pagescontroversy will continue as this analysis essay unfolds. Should we allow Scientists sacrifice a life for the extraordinary possibilities that are promised to come with the research of Embryonic Stem Cells? The first argument as to what should be done about Embryonic Stem Cell research is written by Rachel Benson Gold. 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Roberson SOC 120: Introduction to Ethics and Social Responsibility Professor Kay Green May 30, 2010 Ethics is defined as a set of principles of right conduct. It is also a theory or a system of moral values (Merriman/Webster online dictionary). Government Ethics is often times referred to an oxy-moron. The reason for this is that many believe that our government does not have ethics in decision making. In this paper I will attempt to analyze the links betweenRead MoreTomb of the Unknown Soldier4192 Words   |  17 Pagesdeaths from Yellow Fever. Step 4: As far as what side this photo may depict, I think as a whole, it is on both sides. The monument was erected for the soldiers amp; civilians that have died in the pursuit of Freedom amp; liberty, whether for the right reason or not. As far as a perspective, I think it is one of remembrance, the author amp; photographer want people to see amp; remember what this country has endured to obtain its freedom amp; the liberty that we all take for granted now a day’sRead MoreDescriptive Analysis6093 Words   |  25 Pagesnarrative and descriptive essays are often given as separate assignments in composition courses, they are combined in this first section so that teachers can present expressive writing and still reserve time for the many forms of informative and argumentative writing. This choice is tricky because it confirms the folk wisdom about expressive writing and rhetorical difficulty. According to custom, students can write narratives first because they are already familiar w ith storytelling and can organize

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Review on Lorenzos Oil Movie free essay sample

Lorenzos Oil Essay The film is based on the true story of Augusto and Michaela Odone and their son Lorenzo. In 1984 Lorenzo came down with adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), a rare inherited disease. Doctors said that he would lose all his functions and die within two to three years. Refusing to accept this grim verdict, the Odones set out on a mission to find a treatment for ALD and to save their child. In their quest for a treatment the Odones often clashed with doctors, scientists, and support groups, who were doubting that anything could be done about ALD. Their persistent struggle tested the boundaries of conventional medicine. The Odones haunted medical libraries, reviewed countless animal experiments, badgered researchers, questioned top doctors all over the world, and persisted until a solution came to them in a moment of inspiration. They commissioned a special type of oil from a British firm, which normalized the accumulation of very long chain fatty acids in the brain, the hallmark of ALD. We will write a custom essay sample on Review on Lorenzos Oil Movie or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The film ends on a positive note, showing several healthy children who, having ollowed a course of treatment with Lorenzos Oil, remained symptom-free. The conclusion relates that Lorenzo can communicate again by a modified sign language, and that Augusto Odone was awarded an honorary Ph. D. for his pioneering work in researching and discovering a significant treatment for ALD. ALD is an inherited genetic disorder linked to the X sex chromosome. Because of the way genetic inheritance works, only boys have the most severe form of ALD. The disorder leaves the body unable to break down big fat molecules. Recent research shows that this is most likely due to a carrier protein that fails to work correctly and carry the fat molecules to where they would be broken down. Some symptoms shown in the movie Lorenzos Oil were hyperactive, clumsy, audio difficulty, and seizures. Adrenal function must be tested periodically in all patients with ALD. Treatment with adrenal hormones can be lifesaving. Symptomatic and supportive treatments for ALD include physical therapy, psychological support, and special education. Recent vidence suggests that a mixture of oleic acid and euric acid, known as Lorenzos Oil, administered to boys with X-ALD can reduce or delay the appearance of symptoms. Bone marrow transplants can provide long-term benefit to boys who have early evidence of X-ALD, but the procedure carries risk of mortality and morbidity and is not recommended for those whose symptoms are already severe or who have the adult-onset or neonatal forms. Oral administration of docosahexanoic acid (DHA) may help infants and children with neonatal ALD. I believe that the portrayal of the medical community was entirely accurate in the film. I believe this because it takes enormous amounts of time to test a new treatment for any disease and you cant t Just release it in the world without testing it and making a full inquiry on it. Such measures should be taken, because innocent individuals lives could be diminished because of it, and thats a large price to pay, just because you want things to move faster. I believe that the Odones dealt with this situation in a very intelligent way with

Monday, December 2, 2019

Revolution in Haiti

Table of Contents Introduction Revolution in Haiti Conclusion References Introduction Revolution is the overthrow or repudiation of a regime or political system by the governed. It is characterized by a radical and invasive change. It is usually suddenly and violence is experienced. The existing government is replaced by another political system from those who are governed. Haiti is one developing country that has had numerous cases of revolution. Since the year 1800 to date Haiti has recorded nine instances of coup d’Ã ©tat (Heinl, 1996).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Revolution in Haiti specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Revolution in Haiti In 1991, there was an issue with the president of Haiti Jean-Bertrand Aristide who had been democratically elected as the head of the country the previous year. In a coup d’Ã ©tat led by Raoul Cedras the government of Jean-Bertrand was overthrown. This wa s criticized by the United States government, United Nations and Organization of American States. This continued till 1994 when Aristide came back to power as the head of state. During this period, all sectors and key institutions in Haiti were affected negatively. In terms of political arena, the government failed completely. Cedras encouraged economic dependency in which apart from humanitarian aid he allowed other external aid hence hindering economic independence of Haiti. The government also failed because there were no laws followed. The constitution did not allow any political system to overthrow the government. Cedras was therefore an illegal president of Haiti. It therefore goes without saying that the due to lack of laws there was poor governance. The political system was not for the people; instead the government protected corrupt government officials and illegal businesses such as drug trafficking. Economic sector was negatively affected. For example the money invested i n other countries was frozen during this period. The sanctions put in place to stabilize the situation also interfered with trading activities. Restrictions on trade led to loss of 60% of private jobs. This translated to approximately one million people losing their jobs. Due to unfavorable environment, many industries including export were shut down. Cedras and his government remained to benefit from the unstable economy in Haiti. He ensured that he controlled the business environment; supply and distribution of goods and services and thus monitoring the income and profits realized. The poor suffered. The people of Haiti were denied democracy and economic development. In addition, when Aristede came back to power the people continued to suffer. The external aid that people depended on was discontinued. The poor in this case were the ones who suffered. Moreover, human rights were denied to the citizens. The military used force to get power hence violated Human rights. The basic nece ssities such as oil and food became scarce (Dupuy, 1997).Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Further the natural environment was affected. Environmental pollution such as soil erosion, oil spill in the water bodies and air pollution resulted to health complications. Environmental degradation did not only have negative implications on the human beings but also the plants and animals. This worsened the food security condition. The scarce natural plants and animals were extinct. Conclusion Revolution is as a result of struggle by the people and especially the poor. However, they do not end up being leaders of the same. The purpose of revolution is therefore defeated because the promised change is usually not realized after fighting. The leaders and the rich benefit at the expense of the poor. In this case, Cedras and his political system benefited in 1991 to 1994 revolution regime at the e xpanse of Haitians. References Dupuy, A. (1997). Haiti in the New World Order: The Limits of the Democratic Revolution. Boulder, Colo.: West view Press. Heinl, R. (1996). Written in Blood: The Story of the Haitian People, 1492–1995. Lanham: University Press of America. This essay on Revolution in Haiti was written and submitted by user Kelvin Alford to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Planning Introduction - What is Planning?Planning is one of the major functions of a manager and the future of the organization and the achievement of corporate goals may rely on the fact how well the planning process is carried out at each level of the organization.Planning is a logical process as it involves thinking and decision making and is a continuous and a dynamic process because changes in plans have to be made from time to time to take care of the changing environment. It concerns a series of action steps to achieve a specific goal. If you do it effectively, you can reduce much the necessary time and effort of achieving the goal. It is well known that for unstructured activities 80 percent of the effort, give less than 20 percent of the valuable outcome.Why do we need to plan?It is much easier to avoid wasting effort as some activities that you do without planning may end up as irrelevant to achieving our expected goals.Emmaus Bible College's Mission StatementAnd therefore redundant work may take place resulting in waste of time and resources. But with a plan it is possible to carry out the tasks in a most efficient and effective way possible.Planning is vital for meeting your needs during each action step with your time, money, or resources. The planning phase can be utilized to gather the resources that are need to fulfill a task. This helps the planner to get a clear idea about the expenditure of the task, the impact it has on the organization and the risks involved.Furthermore, a plan can be used as a tool which you can used in directing people to carry out their tasks and help supervisory personnel to identify the progress or where we are currently and also to...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Too Many Partners A Challenge To Partnership Working The WritePass Journal

Too Many Partners A Challenge To Partnership Working Introduction Too Many Partners A Challenge To Partnership Working ). Strong leadership and management In order for a joint working to be successful, there must be strong leadership and management structure in place. The importance of having a strong leadership and integrated management structure has been identified by Rutter et al. (2004) Aims and objectives Practitioners from the various agencies involved in the joint working should understand the ultimate goals, aims and objectives as well as the eligibility criteria for the new initiative to become a success (Cameron et al. 2012). Roles and responsibilities The agencies involved should understand their roles and responsibilities to prevent conflicts. Responsibilities may include administrative tasks, budget management and coordination of material resources(Cameron et al. 2012).   Team building Another factor that is likely to promote joint working is team-building and arranging for weekly meetings. Regular team-building events and subsequent weekly meetings allows for the various agencies to share information and to discuss issues arising (Clarkson et al. 2011). Additionally, such team meetings enhance the understanding of the different professional roles and prevent conflict between the different professions by building trust and rapport between the various agencies or groups involved. Information sharing Other factors that may promote joint working include mechanisms for sharing information such as using shared information technology systems and shared documentation. Such effective sharing mechanisms lead to timely assessments of needs (Cameron et al. 2012) Factors hindering joint working  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Aims and objectives Whilst we have shown that an understanding of the aims and objectives is key to success of a partnership, it should be noted that such shared purpose can be problematic as well. For example, studies by Clarkson et al (2011), Asthana Halliday (2003) and Glasby et al (2008) which examined some of the integrated care services found a general lack of understanding of the central aim of partnership working among the health care practitioners. Without a shared understanding of the aims and objectives among the various agencies involved, then it becomes difficult to develop a sense of purpose.   Further, this difficulty is made worse if there are conflicting roles and responsibilities. Roles and responsibilities Roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined to avoid conflicts between the professionals involved. In their study, McCormack et al. (2008)found that a shortage of clarity of the roles and responsibilities of the professionals involved in the joint working resulted in delays in treatment and inappropriate referrals. Organizational difference Partnership working can also be undermined by competing organizational visions. If organizations are in competition about the joined-up agenda, the initiative may not be successful. This is evident in a study by Young (2003) on partnership working between the local authorities and NHS. Young’s study foundthe partnership as undermined by the differences in resource and spending criteria between the parties involved. Poor Communication and coordination As noted above, communication is critical to the success of a partnership working. Poor communication hampers collaborative efforts which may result in delays in service delivery. Using specialist languages that some partners are not familiar with and communicating selectively may fuel suspicion and personal agendas leading to conflicting messages which undermine collaborative efforts (Cameron et al. 2012).Almost all tragedies which have resulted have been a direct result of poor communication and failure of professionals to coordinate with each other. This is especially the case where there are too many partners involved and where there is a lack of clarity of the responsibilities of each partner. Power and hierarchical relationships Partnership can also be hindered by power and hierarchical relationships. Some practitioners may perceive others to be below them in terms of their status. When perceived status differences occur, the dominant high status professions such as the medics may silence the contribution made by the others (Clarkson et al. 2011). Such kind of perceived status difference hinders integrative efforts and can stultify effective partnership. There is a host of other factors that may hinder partnership working including difficulty in information sharing due to incompatibility of the IT systems, lack of trust and respect, relationship between agencies, and financial uncertainty among many others. These barriers can perhaps be addressed by arranging for a local forum where practitioners can meet regularly and share issues arising. Whereas there many benefits to partnership working, such joint collaboration can prove to be extremely difficult especially where there are too many partners involved. Partnerships that involve too many partners often suffer from poor communication and coordination, competing organizational visions, lack of clarity with regard to the roles and responsibilities of the professionals involved, duplication of roles, unclear accountability, too many referrals between agenciesand lack of trust and respect among several other factors (Douglas 2008). These barriers tend to hinder the effectiveness of partnership working and can ultimately lead to failure in delivery of services as seen with the case of Victoria Climbie. However, there are many success stories where many partners were involved. The future holds promising for more partnership involvement and collaboration as more community development workers are increasingly funded by primary care trusts. Further, many government funded initiatives are currently being implemented to promote the integration of services and multi-agency partnership including the Sure Start, Best and Connexions, Youth Offending Teams, and Childrens Fund (Cheminals 2009). Conclusion It is very hard to predict the dynamics and outcomes of partnership working especially where there are many partners involved due to continually evolving nature of such partnership. Partnerships that involve too many partners suffer from a range of factors that may stultify joint working including poor communication and coordination, competing organizational visions, duplication of roles, unclear accountability, and too many referrals between agencies among several other factors. Whereas the practicalities of adopting a multi-agency approach can prove to be difficult, promoting integration of services and joint approach to service delivery is key to addressing key societal problems which cannot be constrained neatly within traditional boundaries such as poverty, crime, social exclusion, community safety and inequality. These problems are highly complex in nature and since no single actor or entity has sufficient knowledge and information required to solve them, it becomes extremely important to have multi-agency partnership working. Reference Asthana, S and Halliday, J., 2003.‘Intermediate care: its place in a whole-systems approach, Journal of Integrated Care, vol.1, no.6, pp.15-24 Audit Commission, 1998.A Fruitful Partnership: Effective Partnership Working. Audit Commission. Audit Commission, 2006. Governing Partnerships: Bridging the Accountability Gap. Audit Commission. Barrett, G., Selman, D. Thomas, G., 2005.Interprofessional Working in Health and Social Bella, 2001. Turning point: collaboration for a new century in public health. Washington DC: the National Association of County and City Health Officials. Cameron, A., Lart, R., Bostock, L. and Coomber, C., 2012. Factors that promote and hinder joint and integrated working between health and social care services. Research briefing 41. Social Care Institute for Excellence. Care: Professional Perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Carnwell, R. and Buchanan, J., 2008. Effective practice in health, social care and criminal justice: a partnership approach. McGraw-Hill International Carnwell, R. and Carson, A., 2005. ‘Understanding partnerships and collaboration’,in R. Carnwell and J. Buchanan (eds) effective practice inhealth and social care: a partnership approach. Maidenhead: Open University Press. Cheminals, R., 2009. Effective multi-agency partnerships: putting every child matters into practice. Sage Publications Clarkson, Brand, C., Hughes, J and Challis, D., 2011. Integratingassessments of older people: examiningevidence and impact from a randomized controlled trial, Age and Ageing, vol 40, no 3, pp 388−391. Douglas, A., 2008. Partnership working. Routledge. Dowling, B. Glendinning, C. and Powell, M., 2004. Conceptualising successful partnerships Health and Social Care in the Community 12(4) 309-317 Fletcher, J. K., 2006. Partnerships in Social Care: A Handbook for Developing Effective Services London: Jessica Kingsley Fraser,S. and Matthews, S., 2007. The Critical Practitioner in Health and Social Care London:Sage publications Gallant, M.H., Beaulieu, M.C. and Carnevale, F.A., 2002.‘Partnership: an analysis of theconcept within the nurse–client relationship’, Journal of Advanced Nursing 40(2): 149–57. Glasby, J., Martin, G. and Regen, E., 2008. Older people and the relationship between hospital services and intermediate care: results from a national evaluation, Journal of Interprofessional Care, vol 22, no 6, pp 639−649. Harris, S., 2003.‘Inter-agency practice and professional collaboration: the case of drug education and prevention’, Journal of Education Policy 18(3), pp.303-314. Huxham, C. and Vangen, S., 2005. Managing to Collaborate: The Theory and Practice of Collaborative Advantage. London: Routledge Ling, T., 2002. ‘Delivering Joined-Up Government in the UK: Dimensions, Issues and Problems’, Public Administration, Vol. 80 No. 4, 615-642 McCormack, B. Mitchell, E.A., Cook, G., Reed, J., and Childs, S., 2008. Older personsexperiences of whole systems: the impact ofhealth and social care organizationalstructures, Journal of Nursing Management,vol 16, no 2, pp 105−114. Rutter, D., Tyrer, P., Emmanuel, J., Weaver, T., Byford, S., Hallam, A., Simmonds, S., and Ferguson, B., 2004. Internal vs. externalcare management in severe mental illness:randomized controlled trial and qualitativestudy, Journal of Mental Health, vol 13, no 5,pp 453−466. Tait, L and Shah, S., 2007. Partnership working: a policy with promise for mental healthcare. Journal of continuing professional development. 13: 261-271 Taylor, I., Sharland, E., Sebba, J. and Le Riche, P., 2006, Knowledge review 10: The learning, teaching and assessment of partnership work in social work education, London: Social Care Institute of Excellence. Welstead, M., 2013. Child protection in England-early intervention. [Viewed on 13th November 2013]   available from

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research task Paper

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander task - Research Paper Example The colonial rule developed new laws that segregated the minority groups from other Australians. Children were forced to abandon their culture and were subject to both physical and sexual abuse. In brief, the colonial period was a suffering period for the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders and this had long-term impacts for this minority group. The colonial period contributed to the disorientation of the Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders. During the pre-colonial period, this group was diverse and comprised of over 1 million people. A large number of this population died during the colonial rule and there was a significant reduction of the population. In the 2001 census, the population of the aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders was 458, 000 people, contributing to 2.4% of the total population in Australia (Garvey et al., 2011). Besides, their displacement during the colonial period made them lose their original habitats. Currently, they reside in the New South Wales and Queensland with scanty of land to settle in (Rose, 2000). A close evaluation indicates that the population of the Aboriginal people is growing at a slow rate, a fact related to the nature of the problems that they face today. In the post-colonial period, the discrimination of the Aboriginal and Torres Straight Island people is a common feature. The end of the colonial period was expected to be end of the suffering of the indigenous people. However, it is clear that the Europeans had already created a social difference between the people and the spirit of racism was already high. The Australian government was slow to enact social justice and hence the Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander remained the weak race (Heffernan, Andersen & Kinner, 2009). They were discriminated by the other Australian races in all social spheres, which resulted to creation of enmity between the two

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

American Imperialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

American Imperialism - Essay Example Therefore the main reason for adopting an imperialistic policy was to dominate over economic resources which have always been control by the advanced capitalist countries over the liquid and real economic resources of economically backward areas. Since the easiest way to colonize was to take over main liquid resources as foreign exchange and public and private savings, and real resources consist of agricultural, mineral, transportation, communication, manufacturing, and commercial facilities and other assets, therefore Nationalist economic policy worked. Restricted free trade was monopolized and inhibited the growth of income and economic well-being, but these barriers were lowered by the breakup of the European empires. Such an imperialist policy was rationalized as the trademark of this doctrine was based on the notion that exploitive economic relations between the advanced and backward capitalist countries would not be able survive in a world of politically independent countries (Fann & Hodges, 1971: 24). The countries that were affected by the foreign policy of America were Philippines, the Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Palau and Puerto Rico. However across the globe American imperialism in the first half of the nineteenth century presided over Ottoman, Persian and Russian empires thereby expanding its empire towards the northward, westward, and southward while establishing its authority over all parts of its territory (Iriye, 2005). As an imperial state, the nineteenth century for America brought persuasion, coercion, and outright conquest and often insured that tariffs and other taxes were turned over to foreign bondholders. Therefore in the presence of military rule, foreign lending was frequently a precarious undertaking which Latin American countries, witnessed by experiencing an uneven history of bond payments. The deployment of the U.S Imperialist policies, particularly in

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Art of Neosoul Essay Example for Free

The Art of Neosoul Essay Neo Soul is a genre of music that arose in the 1990s from the experience of RB/Soul music and is characterized as â€Å"bringing freshness to a genre long pronounced dead †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Phillip Cunningham/Bowling Green State University). As defined by the Stanford Dictionary of Philosophy, â€Å"art is modern works that appear to break radically with all traditional art† and this music genre is by definition new and radically different. Considering neo soul in terms of art, I believe that this music is an expression of modern mainstream African American culture, experience, belief, and surely, the root of this ethnicity. Different and more artistically expressed than soul music it brings great aesthetic value to the music scene. Not just music, but a powerful expression of deep rooted feelings through attention-grabbing and talented artist of our day. Neo-Soul is new and innovative in expressing the common culture of African American life and in its refusal to walk the conventional line. In what the Music Said’ an essay by Mark Anthony Neal, this form of music is ‘post-soul’ and is a combination of rhythm and blues, funk, rap and hip-hop and arose out of resistance to, and often times in opposition to, middle class sensibilities of respectability and norms. In Soul, the expression seems disdain and rebellion for the normal societal norms, that have been put in place by the government influences such as Marvin Gaye’s What’s Going On and Let’s Get it On? two of his most popular pieces where he is in defiance of the current political agenda and abstinence. Neo, meaning ‘new, or ‘Nu’ brought a different vehicle of expression the experiences of the time. Though there is much debate regarding the terms ‘Neo-soul’ or ‘Neo-classical-soul’ has become, in the 1990s and 2000s, more popular. Neo Soul is an extension of a culture that has a voice. The African American community in the 1990s as ‘church’ and faith become more important to young professional Christian, Neo soul also creeps into the Gospel music with artist such as Lisa McClendon and Leon Timbo. These individuals express a ‘real time’ acceptance and reliance on their God and expression of their faith in contemporary terms. Neo-soul music is one such singularity, which has reframed the subjectivities of black people and suggested identities embodied and disembodied, human and post-human. (Weheliye 30) Simply put, it is a genre of music that refocuses the African American art of music. More aesthetically pleasing I think. The beauty of neo Soul has I believe redefined African American Music as an art form rather than beat for bump and grind, distrust and defiance. Such artist as : Lauryn Hil, India Aria, and Jill Scott, women who have redefined lyric with bold and encouraging expression and melody that beats to the heart of the listener. In Aria’s â€Å"Strength, Courage, and Wisdom†, she speaks of positive thoughts to encourage and that these elements are internal, pointing the listener to uplift rather than what can be done in secret. As well as the song â€Å"I Am Not My Hair†, which counteracts bigotry and sterotypes with positive phrases and rhyme. Similarly Jill Scott, with a more rhythmic driving beat in â€Å"My Petition†, Scott speaks out against the American government without the hatred that you would usually see in this type of song, through straight, it is not militant – just truthful. Neo Soul music is an adaptation of Soul music as an art form and moves it to a higher degree of listening pleasure. Not timid but definitely bold, but respectful of both the artist and the listener. Even the presentation of the artist in this genre is an artistic expression of the African American culture. One of India Aria’s latest releases, Testimony Volume 2, Love Politics says explains this artistic form of getting her point across about poverty and society outlook on those that live in poverty in Ghetto: Now the dictionary says / That the ghetto is a place / of minority, and poverty, and over population. We list on this earth together, / ain’t no separation. / when you’re looking down, / from outer space. / we’re just a human race and the world is a / ghetto-o-o-o. A clear point, but not so hard on the heart. Work Cite Afrofuturism and post-soul possibility in black popular music. Aria, India. Strength and Wisdom. http://www. azlyrics. com/lyrics/strengthandwisdom. html Art and Popular Culture online. http://www. artandpopularculture. com/African_American_music Cunningham, Phillip. â€Å"There’s Nothing Really New Under the Sun†: The Fallacy of the Neo-Soul Genre. Journal of Popular Music Studies, Volume 22, Issue 3, Pages

Friday, November 15, 2019

Style and its Relationship to Good Writing Essay -- Writing Education

Style and its Relationship to Good Writing Style. It’s a small word that packs a powerful punch, and most writers do not stop to think about what it truly means. Initially, I thought style was a personal element in writing specific to the writer and to change this personalized style of writing was absolutely forbidden. However, through our class exploration of the two style manuals, Style Toward Clarity and Grace and The Elements of Style, this original definition was challenged, and eventually changed based on the compelling evidence. Contrary to popular belief, style is not specific to one’s writing; it is much more involved than that. This notion of style takes into consideration the reader and the ease of the reading material. So, it is not selfish, it is actually focused on the reader and values the thoughts and considerations of the audience. With this in mind, it is important to apply it personally to one’s own writing by changing the perspective about what you, as the writer, are trying to say and take a step back, critically look at your writing and wonder about how it will affect your audience and what they will walk away with. Now that there is an understanding about what style actually means, a quick analysis of each text is in order. Both books are style manuals, each with the purpose of educating writers to be better writers. However, their approaches are vastly different, and it’s important to explore each manual to see how, in some cases, they compliment and contradict each other. To better appreciate different teaching techniques and explore which one should be used based on the goals of the writer a study of each of the writing stylebooks is in order. The first impor... ...adability of the text and a concern for the audience that is reading the writing piece. It is about well-written work that is not personalized with each writer, it’s more general. Manuals are written because there is a need for writers to write more clearly and with style. Each one has its elements of positive and negative and it is the ultimate responsibility of the writer to incorporate the information found within these manuals to assist with readability ease and style. Works Cited: Haas, Christine,, date accessed March 3, 2004 McGahey, Michelle,, date accessed March 4, 2004 Strunk Jr., William and E.B. White The Elements of Style. 4th ed. New York: Longman, Inc., 2000. Williams, Joseph M. Style Toward Clarity and Grace. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

African Allele Essay

It is a fact that Central Africa is a rural area while the United States is highly urbanized. This means that diseases are more prominent in the African territory, one of which is the malaria. This widespread illness caused evolution to favor a type of change in the human body to protect it from the deadly virus. This protection is the heterozygous make up of the hemoglobin gene, where one allele is the abnormal one that causes sickle-cell anemia. When comparing three types of persons, one with homozygous normal alleles, another with a heterozygous pair, and finally one with a homozygous pair of abnormal alleles, those with the heterozygous pair would have the greatest chance of surviving the conditions of Africa. Having a pair of normal alleles would not save a human from malaria infection, and having a pair of abnormal alleles would cause sickle-cell anemia that can also kill the patient. Thus, in places such as Africa, the population has quite a number of people having the heterozygous hemoglobin gene. The lower number of sickle-cell allele carriers in the United States can be attributed to two main reasons. First, malaria is not as prominent in the United States as it is in Africa. People then did not adapt that much and this abnormal allele haven’t evolved that much. Another is the intermarriage between Africans and Americans. If an African, who carries the sickle-cell allele, would marry an American having a homozygous healthy gene, their children would only have a 50% chance of getting that trait, as compared to an African-African marriage (both heterozygous sickle-cell alleles), where the chance of getting the allele is 75%.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Technology and Organizational Structure

Technology and Organizational Structure Wanda Armour University of Phoenix Technology and Organizational Structure This paper represents the research on how technology interacts with organizational structure. Two companies will be identified to compare and contrast their organizational structures. A matrix will be included to summarize the findings. Introduction Organizational structure in today’s complex multi-dimensional organizations is the connection that holds the infrastructure together to achieve the organizations goals.It is the patterns or arrangement of groups of jobs within an organization. It is also a process that requires organizational re-structuring as the company grows. Historically industry has shifted from the job-shop manufacturing to mass production, with innovative pioneers such as Frederick Taylor, Henri Fayol, and Max Weber ((Dristelzweig & Droege, n. d. ). These early pioneers were very different thinkers in terms of their principles to determine how t o structure organizations for maximum productivity.However, they all had a common view that it was like a machine and that power was in the position, not in the individual holding the position; clearly a vertical bureaucratic structural hierarchy ((Dristelzweig & Droege, n. d. ). This ‘one best way’ mindset gradually disappeared as concerns that the traditional organizational structure may hinder, rather than help promote creativity and innovation (Dristelzweig & Droege, n. d. ). Today, pressures in U. S. business structures to compete globally calls for a variety of organization structures.There is no ‘one fit all’ organizational structure that has proven effective in contributing to business success. Organizations operate in different environments with different opportunities, products, tasks, risks, strategies, constraints, strengths and weakness, and different organizational structures to meet those challenges (Reference for Business, n. d. ). There are two types of organizational structures found in business environments; centralized and decentralized. Centralized organizational structures rely on one individual to make decisions and provide direction or the company; decentralized organizations rely on a team environment at different levels of the business (Vitez, n. d. ). Organizational Structure Overview of Two Company’s Two very successful companies have been identified with different organizational structures; Toyota Motor Corporation and The Watson’s Creative Company. These two companies are on the opposite end of the spectrum in terms of organizational structure. Toyota, a Japanese, multinational corporation, has a centralized matrix organizational structure (the combination of two or more different structures-organic/mechanistic) with a bureaucratic infrastructure.The Watson’s Creative Company, a New York based adverting agency, has a small-decentralized organic organizational structure (organizations that are flexible and effectively adapt to change) (Dorf & Byers, 2008). Toyota is considered by some as the world’s largest maker of automobiles, trucks, buses, and robots. Toyota has factories all around the world, that manufacture and assemble vehicles for local markets (Taneja, Pryer, & Sewell, 2012). Toyota has an interesting blend of mechanistic, organic and bureaucracy in a centralized organizational structure, which allows them to accommodate their versatile product line.This structure develops a workforce who believes in the company’s products, image, and vision; along with placing a high value on the welfare of its employees (Taneja et al. , 2012). A recent SWOT analysis shows that intense competition could pose a threat resulting in lower price pressures. A recent massive product recall (10 million worldwide) which could hurt the company’s brand image and sales ((Toyota, 2012). Toyota is a company that has a reputation for reliability; the challenge n ow is rebuilding the emotional ties of customers.A bureaucratic organizational structure could be the flaw as hindered information sharing, miscommunication; along with delayed response time to quality and safety issues have been sighted as the root cause of the recall (Taneja et al. , 2012). One of the disadvantages to a matrix organizational structure is keeping communication channels clear so that potential conflicts do not arise and hinder organizational functioning (Reference for Business, n. d. ). As corporations become worldwide the process of restructuring is inevitable, as they must respond to challenges on a global level.The foundation of Toyota is respect of its people and continuous improvement through the ‘Toyota Way’ which is summarized by five keywords; â€Å"Challenge,† â€Å"Kaizen,† â€Å"Genchi Genbutsu,† â€Å"Respect† and â€Å"Teamwork† (â€Å"The Toyota Way,† n. d). The Watson’s a Creative Company, is an ad agency. They have a decentralized organic organizational structure that is simple and low in formalization. All parts of the organization need each other as an interdependence relationship improves functioning.As an organic organization they need to stay flexible in dealing with customers and in creating concepts for television commercials and print advertisement (Field, n. d. ). I recently visited the Watson’s ad agency and I found a confortable informal environment with a small staff and their dogs. It seemed quite remarkable that a company with such clients as ‘Whole Foods’, ‘Metropolitan Home Magazine’ and many others could work as a community. However it is in line with their mission statement of building lasting relationships between great companies and the audiences they benefit (â€Å"The Watson’s,† n. . ). Their core competency is in their knowledge management and creativity. An organic organization such as The Watsonà ¢â‚¬â„¢s is a knowledge-based organization. Tacit knowledge is exchanged through interaction with other knowledge workers. This interaction facilitates the development of a knowledge culture within the organization, supporting decision making of various knowledge workers through collaboration (Hosnavi & Ramezan, 2011). How Structure Affects the use of Technology and Technology Decisions Technology plays a crucial role in today’s organizational structure.Toyota understood that the traditional understanding of centralization in organizational structure would fail to capture its vision of technological development, and value in the employee in the face of new challenges and demands. Toyota adopted a matrix organizational structure to facilitate technology decisions ((Hosnavi & Ramezan, 2011). The Watson’s on the other hand believe that technology decisions are based the decentralization of power and control and a higher level of informality and a organic organizational st ructure was the best fit for their company.Toyota’s superior technology was not enough in light of the recent recalls. As a result they had to reduce their organizational structure, which is no easy task. My observation is that Toyota could have closed a blind eye but instead decided to restructure and fix the problem without deviating from their core competency and mission. The Watson’s interaction with technology is equally exciting as visual displays of artistic genius are created and displayed through a variety of avenues. Technology gives expression to the endless possibilities of the mind and allows them to make decisions based on whatever idea they can dream of.Working on something they believe in helps them to focus on the effectiveness of their products and services. TECHNOLOGY AND ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE| Inquiry| Toyota Motor Corporation| The Watson’s a Creative Company| Organizational Structure| Centralized Matrix Organizational Structure| Decentraliz ed Organic Organizational Structure| Environment| Stable, highly efficient and orderly. | Constant change, simple, low formalization. | Control| Hierarchic| Network community. | Internal Communication| Vertical, between superior and subordinates. Lateral between people. | Core Competency| Lean Manufacturing Tools, Supply Chain Management, Product Development Technology, Branding| Creative Advertising /Knowledge worker| Core Technology| Conventional and Hybrid Vehicles, Hybrid Systems, Safety and Environmental Technologies. | Web based advertising systems, HTML, XML, SVG and Flash, Communications protocols, Video and audio technology. | Enabling Technologies| Toyota Technology Institute, Toyota InfoTechnology Center, Home Living Assistant Robotics, Personal Mobility. R&D product portfolio. iAd mobile app, Ad tracking, Banner Ads, Rich Media Ads, Tradeshows, Commercial Emails, Poster Ads, Social Media| Organizational Members| Task Oriented| People Oriented| Control-Stability and predi ctability. | High| Low| Flexibility-Quick response to changing conditions| High| High| Knowledge Management| Reinforcement of hierarchy| Anywhere in the company| Technology Interaction with Organizational Structure Based on these comparisons I believe that the interaction of technology must be accompanied with the right fit of the organizations structure to achieve sustainability.Toyota works on a technological scale far beyond that of the Watson’s. It uses manufacturing technology that is the cutting edge of science (Taneja et al. , 2012). It is doing an amazing work with its robotic technology that will help the handicapped, as well as the individual. Taneia et al. , (2012 believes that Toyota’s research and development accomplishments are making groundbreaking strides in the area of defense against energy starvation. The Watson’s Creative Company is using the Internet to extend their market reach far beyond what was once thought possible through conventional channels.According to Behboudi, Hanzaee, Koshksaray, Khirkhani Tabar, & Taheri (2012), â€Å"Creative advertising can provide a competitive edge for a brand, add to its value, and give it an advantage over its rivals in terms of more positive market response†(p. 140). The Watson’s advertising agency has achieved sustainability with their creative and innovative ads through the technology of the Internet. In comparison mechanistic and organic organizational structures are like two musicians, one who plays’ by ear and the other who has to read music; both however deliver a beautiful arrangement of music.Toyota is continuously focused on increasing its technological capabilities, while The Watson’s are continuously looking for more ways to use technology to create ads that are an experience for the consumer. Both are making contributions that will add value to organizational learning, and technological capabilities. References Behboudi, M. , Hanzaee, K. , Ko shksaray, A. , Khirkhani Tabar, M. , & Taheri, Z. (2012). A Review of the Activities of Advertsing Agencies in Online World []. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 4(1), 138-149. Retrieved from Ebscohost Dorf, R.C. , & Byers, T. H. (2008). Technology Ventures (2nd ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Dristelzweig, H. , & Droege, S. B. (n. d. ). Organizational Structure. Retrieved from http://law-journals-books. vlex. com/vid/organizational-structure-51758780 Field, R. (n. d. ). Organizational Effectiveness, Structure and Technology. Retrieved from http://apps. business. ualberta. ca/rfield/Organizational%20Effectiveness,%20Structure,%20and%20Technology. h Hosnavi, R. , & Ramezan, M. (2011). Intellectual Capital and Organizational Organic Structure How are these

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Prevalence of Production Sharing Contracts in Oil and Gas The WritePass Journal

The Prevalence of Production Sharing Contracts in Oil and Gas Abstract The Prevalence of Production Sharing Contracts in Oil and Gas AbstractIntroductionBackgroundResearch TopicAimObjectivesResearch questionsLiterature ReviewKey WordsKey LiteratureGaps in literatureOil and gas in AfricaOil and gas in AngolaContracting in the oil and gas industryProduction Sharing ContractsContracting at Sonangol (Types of contracts)Production sharing contracts at SonangolThe nature of production sharing contracts at SonangolResearch MethodologyFindings  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   i.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Reasons for the adoption of production sharing contracts at Sonangol  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ii.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Advantages of production sharing contracts at Sonangol  Ã‚  Ã‚   iii.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Disadvantages of production sharing contracts at Sonangol  Ã‚  Ã‚   iv.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Comparison between production sharing contracts and other types of contracts at SonangolDiscussionConclusionReferencesAppendicesRelated Abstract Introduction Background The nature of the environment in which a business operates determines how it engages other players in the sector. This, therefore, determines the types of contracts that businesses get into. The oil and gas industry relies on contracts to carry out its activities just like other business entities do. The oil and gas industry mainly engages production sharing contracts, driven by the numerous stakeholder interests the sector has. Research Topic The Prevalence of Production Sharing Contracts in Oil and Gas (Case Study of Sonangol, an Angolan Oil Company) Aim The aim of the study is to establish the prevalence of production sharing contracts in the oil and gas industry, with particular interest in Sonangol, an oil company in Angola. Objectives The objectives of the study are: To determine the nature of the oil and gas business in Africa To determine the types of contracts administered in the oil and gas sector To determine the share of production sharing contracts relative to other types of contracts To establish the reasons for adoption of production sharing contracts at Sonangol Research questions What types of contracts does Sonangol engage? Are production sharing contracts prevalent at Sonangol? Why does Sonangol adopt production sharing contracts? What benefits and challenges do Sonangol get by using production sharing contracts? Literature Review Key Words Contracts, Production Sharing Contracts, Effects, Prevalence, Economics, International Oil Companies, National Oil Companies, Angola Key Literature Bindemann, K., 1999. Production Sharing Agreements: An Economic Analysis This source touches on the economics of production sharing agreements with reference to oil and gas in Angola and the Middle East. Bindemann, K. 2000. The Response of Oil Contracts to Extreme Price Movements. Discussion Paper. Department of Economics (University of Oxford). Fattouh, B. and Darbouche, H., 2010. North African oil and foreign investment in changing market conditions. Energy Policy, 38(2), pp.119-1129. Gaps in literature Most literature refers to situations in North Africa and the Middle East and not Angola or Sonangol. Most available literature is more than five years old. Chances are that the conditions have changed, rendering them irrelevant to current circumstances This section presents an analysis of existing literature on Oil and Gas in Africa and Angola in particular, while studying the types of contracts that oil and gas companies utilize. This is broken down into subtopics as follows: Oil and gas in Africa This section provides a general overview of the oil and gas industry, highlighting the major players: companies, countries, communities, and other stakeholders. History of the oil and gas industry in Africa Challenges in the African oil and gas industry Oil and gas in Angola This section provides an overview of the Angolan oil and gas industry, highlighting the major players: companies, communities, and other stakeholders. History of the oil and gas industry in Angola Challenges in the Angolan oil and gas industry Merits of oil and gas to the Angolan Economy Contracting in the oil and gas industry Types of contracts administered in the global oil and gas industry Comparison between contracting in Africa and the Middle East Production Sharing Contracts Identify the parties involved Terms and conditions Benefits/demerits Contracting at Sonangol (Types of contracts) Encompasses all types of contractual agreements Sonangol engages Criteria Sonangol uses to select the type of contractual agreements it uses Ratio of contracts based on type Production sharing contracts at Sonangol The nature of production sharing contracts at Sonangol Parties involved Responsibility Terms and conditions Research Methodology The study will follow the constructivist approach and rely on the analysis of secondary data that will be obtained both from the private and public domain. Of particular interest will be records from Sonangol and researches published in journals. The research will use catalogues to locate relevant books and indexes to locate appropriate periodicals. In addition, the study will use the Internet to find relevant electronic resources and databases. An analysis of the books, periodicals, and databases would follow to ascertain the authority and quality of information. Data analysis will be quantitative. Findings   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   i.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Reasons for the adoption of production sharing contracts at Sonangol   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ii.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Advantages of production sharing contracts at Sonangol   Ã‚  Ã‚   iii.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Disadvantages of production sharing contracts at Sonangol   Ã‚  Ã‚   iv.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Comparison between production sharing contracts and other types of contracts at Sonangol Discussion Discuss the reasons for the prevalence of production sharing contracts at Sonangol, their merits, demerits, and challenges. Conclusion Summary of the suitability of production sharing contracts at Sonangol. Are they the best for the oil and gas industry? Should they be upheld? References List of all works cited in the study Appendices Relevant documents, tables, and graphs

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to write for a global audience - Emphasis

How to write for a global audience How to write for a global audience The growth in global commerce means it is more likely than ever that your writing will have an international audience. Increasingly, we need to communicate with people who speak English as a second language, whether they are based in the UK or overseas. But your words can easily get lost in translation when writing for this readership, especially if you arent adapting your copy. To ensure all your readers fully understand your message, it is essential to make your writing as clear as possible, and bear some rules in mind. Emails between colleagues Even informal emails between co-workers need thinking about. Heres a reply to a colleague who has suggested you visit her office. Hi Mariela Thanks for the invitation. Phil and I are definitely up for it, but as its on the firms time, Ill need to get the go ahead from Tony Ill talk to him asap and get back to you. Jan At first sight this seems to be a perfectly clear email, but Mariela is a second-language speaker of English. This means we have to re-examine our writing. Language barriers Lets take a closer look at the language in the email to recognise the traps we can fall into: Clusters of meaningless words Phil and I are definitely up for it: the English language has hundreds of these clusters, eg put up with, look up to, top it up, which together have specific meanings. They are called phrasal verbs and we can often replace them with a one-word simple alternative, eg tolerate, admire, fill. Confusing words On the firms time: company or organisation are more recognisable words than firm in the context of work. Also, firm has more than one meaning, which could be confusing. And a literal translation of on the time wouldnt make sense. Colloquial expressions To get the go ahead: second-language speakers often enjoy these expressions once they know them. But we cant guarantee they know them yet. So, unless youre sure, avoid them. Abbreviations Asap: again, unless youre confident your reader knows the abbreviations, they will be meaningless. Heres a rewrite of the email: Hi Mariela Thanks for the invitation. Phil and I definitely want to come. Ill need to get Tonys permission as its during the working week. Ill talk to him as soon as I can and tell you what he says. Jan Its still informal and natural, but so much clearer to non-native English speakers.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Technical Rationality and Reflection in Action Essay

Technical Rationality and Reflection in Action - Essay Example Both technical rationality and reflection in action represents the views of a society that can be measured and explained logically. The two concepts are essential in the finding of solutions for most professional problems and difficulties. Therefore, technical rationality is concerned with establishment of technicality in a profession while reflection in action is concerned with the application of the acquired knowledge. Both technical rationality and reflection in action limit the application of real knowledge in professionalism. Reflection in action is also considered as the first step towards attaining technical rationality. This is because technical rationality is vital in defining technical proficiency. Technical proficiency in turn determines the professional capacity or ability of an individual. Technical rationality and reflection in action have often been considered as theoretical concepts. However, technical rationality and reflection have a high degree of application (Smith, 1999). Technical rationality and reflection are essential in health care administration. The healthcare sector is a significant sector to the country and this makes the sector to be of interest to the legal system of a country. The sector also has a significant number of employees who need clear specification on their duties and limitations. Health practitioners also require knowing their limitations and expectations in the medical practice. Medical ethics provide essential guidelines for heath workers in their practice. Efficient and all-inclusive health workers policies and ethics can only be achieved through application of technical rationality. Technical rationality enables healthcare administrators to design logical policies for healthcare practitioners (Kraska, 2004). Healthcare administrators are also responsible for handling legal issues within the practice. This proves technical rationality and reflection

Friday, November 1, 2019

Sources of air pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sources of air pollution - Essay Example What will happen if the temperature of the world increases? Global warming will occur. Global Warming is prevalent on our Earth even today. It is causing deaths of thousands of animals each year, glaciers are melting and the pollutants are causing diseases such as asthma and lung cancer, etc. The destruction of ozone layer is continuously taking place by our activities, the use of natural resources by us and also by emissions of harmful gases in the atmosphere. At first, we will look into the sources of air pollution inside our homes. We, as human beings are a major constituent of creating air pollution. In our offices, schools, and homes, we make use of certain products and perform activities which are the reason for air pollution. Such activities are known as anthropogenic sources of air pollution. These activities include cooking and smoking. Other sources comprise of Boilers in which we boil water or other liquids at our homes, steam generators as they create smog when we start them for electricity purposes. Also piston engines, furnace, and gas turbines create pollution in the air1. Also, industrial plants set up by humans, power plants and vehicles which have internal combustion engines generate VOCs, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and their particulates. In most big cities and urban areas of the world, cars are the primary source of these air pollutants such as Los Angeles and Mexico City2. Farmers burning wastes from crops create carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other particulates. Other human activities such as leaky refrigerators, aerosol sprays, perfumes and fumes from varnish, paint, and other solvents are the main factors in increasing air pollution. Natural sources, also known as biogenic sources, are also a cause for air pollution but are not as harmful as the human sources. The quality of air is destroyed or worsened by natural processes such as volcano eruptions which produce chlorine, sulfur,

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Write about a time you felt like a stranger in a village Essay

Write about a time you felt like a stranger in a village - Essay Example He had brought with him not only the exterior changes vis-Ã  -vis new dress style but also the baggage of modernity where technology was fast replacing the personal touch. My friend was now smartly dressed in branded jeans and shoes that had brought the envy of youngsters. Lifestyle changes within him were also reflected in his way of interacting with his elders and old friends who had remained in the village. He did not like to discuss the farming problems nor was interested in playing with his old mates. He found those activities subservient to his new status; he was now a respected scholar; he was destined for higher things in life and not for the mundane life of a villager. His laptop had become more important for him than talking with his parents, friends and village elders who were looking forward to his return. So it was not surprising that soon, the rest of the villagers started treated him as stranger and he indeed started feeling like a

Monday, October 28, 2019

Wall Street Women Essay Example for Free

Wall Street Women Essay The book Wall Street Women is book talking about the first generation women who have been able to establish themselves as professional in Wall Street. It goes back to the 1960’s when women began their careers and were faced by blatant discrimination and challenges in their advancement, they created and formed formal and informal associations with an aim of bolstering each other’s careers. This historical ethnography by Melissa S. Fisher borrows from fieldwork, archival research and extensive interviews with successful women of the first generation in Wall Street. She goes on to describe their professional and political associations most common being the Women’s Campaign Fund and the Financial Women’s Association of New York which were groups formed to promote the election of pro-choice women. Melissa S. Fisher charts the evolution of women’s careers and how they have grown both politically and economically. She looks at the changes in their perspectives and the cultural climate in Wall Street as well as the 2008 financial collapse. In Wall Street most of the pioneering subjects never participated in the women’s movement that had been happening in the 1960’s and 1970’s. She argues that these women did produce a â€Å"market feminism† which was in line with the liberal feminist ideas on meritocracy and gender equity with the logic of the market. This is a book that has been well researched and thoroughly documented and it’s a portrait of pioneer women by providing context for understanding the emergent discourse of feminizing markets. Fisher saw an opportunity to carve out a niche within the academic literature to examine career movements and the underlying motivation for women in Wall Street. She began by interviewing a group of 20 women who were in senior level management in 1993. She went on to keep in touch with them to throughout the financial crisis and kept track of their careers and identified their frustrations and challenges as well as ultimately locating their trajectories within a cultural framework. The results of this research ended up in a book Wall Street Women. Discussion Wall Street Women looks into what it’s really like to make a career in the boardrooms of the incorrigible boys club of high finance. Fisher is a scholar at New York University in the department of Social and Cultural Analysis and traces fifty years of the personal and professional lives of the first generation women who make it as executives on Wall Street. The females in this book served in the top most units of major investment banks and brokerage firms as well as ran their own boutique management firms. She did a decade worth of research with interviews conducted in offices in London and New York. All this female professionals were picked from fundraisers and networks during events at the Upper East Side manses and they were followed up even after the financial crisis. She displays how women who made it on Wall Street deftly deployed their supposedly innate risk-averse qualities to be able to stay at the top of their game. This means that women had to deploy their female innate qualities to be able to stay afloat for a long term. Since the 1990’s female executives have cast and portrayed themselves as prudent â€Å"mothers making family purchases† this is directly opposite to the hot-blooded male investors on Wall Street. These same traits that made these women would be â€Å"saviors of the economy†. According to Fisher this is a function strategy and not part of a biological function. Some people believe that women are more conservative and risk-averse than their male counterparts. Some also believe that if women had filled more top leadership roles the financial crisis and recession would not have come out that way. They believe that things would have unfolded differently. According to Wall Street Women it shows like women have different intrinsic qualities and are capable of handling issues different. According to Fisher this is not purely biological rather its psychological asp ect. Its more on the socialization nature of women rather, women are brought up to inhabit and possess some of this characters and qualities. There could be a connection between being a woman and being risk-averse. The bottom line however is that it never about the women; it’s always about the powers that are in play. Systems of power play a big role in influencing socialization and how people run things. People need to realize that some of these ideas are culturally constructed and can be changed if people became more culturally conscious on issues being raised. Wall Street Women does not reveal the names of the women or the names of their firms. However, the book does give us the pleasure of hearing conversations that take place behind closed doors in corporate boardrooms and offices. These women in Wall Street dish and talk about the guys in their offices and companies they really dish. The women in book share their fears on what men think of them and they are unnervingly nervous. One of the female executives is worried about the lay-off post crash due to the recession and is worried that she is becoming a â€Å"a bag lady†. This is a really odd concern by a multimillionaire. In the same scenario we get a younger employee who wants to take a maternity leave being told by her female boss â€Å"As far as I’m concerned, you have screwed up your job†. There is an aspect of homo sociality in the book, where employers in most sectors tend to hire other who act and look like them. This only means one thing that even at that time fewer women got hired in Wall Street. This scenario has led to fewer women being promoted and moving up the ladder. One wonders if recognizing this as a phenomenon in the business world is going to help change things and if it’s an innate practice how can society help change it. Fisher shows us that is really hard to completely take over power over culture. Some of these practices are ingrained in peoples mind and they believe in them. These are broader economic systems and it will require a large number of women in the sector to be able to pressure them to a point of rupture. To change some ideologies and stereotypes against women there is need for more women to rise and become professionals so that they can become part of the change mechanism. By rising and proving to the world that its possible for some belief systems to be brought down women will be able to influence some of the issues that are facing them. The groups of female executives in Wall Street Women are an example of what women can become when they believe in themselves and when they raise to the occasion and work towards empowering themselves. Women need to be their own champions when it comes to matters changing how society views them. Having a few women at the top and running things does not change things. As seen in Wall Street Women things in the business world on matters involving women did not change much even when this few women worked their way to the top and ran successful businesses. Today the world hasn’t accepted the fact that women can take control of things and handle bu siness well even when a few have risen to the occasion and done so. Some of the policies in the workplace do not accommodate women. However, there some policies being implemented for the good of women but when it comes to real practice the story is not the same. One example is with flexible time, men are not the ones who are supposed to take flex time. Even with some of these policies in place culture and cultural beliefs still come into play. Sometimes and actual shift may not take place because there is a stronger cultural hold that is informal and is prevailing over formal rule. Most of the women in the book Wall Street Women started their business careers back in the early 1970’s and were beneficiaries of the post war affluence that democratized and reigned college enrollment. They were also boosted by the civil rights-era laws that banned hiring discrimination laws that mostly locked women out of the corporate and business world. Wall Street was becoming more diverse. Wall Street had become more meritocratic as well as relatively diverse with a great number of middle-class strivers without the luster of a distinguished family pedigree and joined investment banks and brokerage firms. These women did not have MBA’s and insider connections, a common path that cut through the banking industry research divisions as well as back office support when they joined Wall Street. The brokers had all the unrepentant brashness and frat boy chumminess but they still went on and depended on number crunchers. When the deal making became more complex and harder the need for more research grew and became more important. Fisher says, â€Å"Joined investment bankers and traders in the ‘front office’†. These women had to go down on the ground to do the research on investment and study markets for themselves. They never allowed whatever they lacked disrupt them or make them miss in their goal to success. For this women change came slowly, with time they learnt the ropes and got to know how to overcome challenges. Wall Street was not smooth sailing they had to stand and learn the trick behind all those deals and business transactions. Back in the 1970’s there were less than 100 professional women working on Wall Street. They had to negotiate work attire when there were no models that they could draw from and they had constant headaches for those who didn’t want to look like secretaries. Some of the female investors even donned suits and ties just like their men colleagues in the business. â€Å"I feel like I am Jane Goodall†, was marveled by one woman recalling the dynamics of a male-run board meeting. The first professional group of women in Wall Street was the Financial Women’s Association was formed in 1956. By all accounts the women group was very conservative and in 1978 they voted against advocating the Equal Rights Amendment. They worked to advance themselves on Wall Street as they felt they couldn’t be overtly political. They became more relaxed in their fight for equality in the work place as well as the business world. The Financial Women Association and an offshoot the Women’s Campaign Fund played a central and important role in another movement that funded an early generation of women politicians. By the 1990’s the group of female investors that Fisher was studying presented the first organized group of rich women who weren’t heiresses and widows. They had made their way to the top and on the way had made a lot of money to help the stay there. These women would go on to bankroll a new wave of pro-choice female candidates. They started influencing other sectors apart from the business world in Wall Street. In this part Fisher goes on to explain a little known bit of history. These women furthered the careers of women like the former Texas Governor Ann Richards as well as Senators Olympia Snowe a Republican from Maine and Barbara Boxer a Democrat from California. Back then there was an advocacy for corporate diversity and affirmative action ideas that did not seem to sit well with the women in Wall Street in Fishers book. Congress had mandated a twelve week of unpaid maternity leave in the year 1993. One wonders now that they were the bosses in these companies, how generous should they be to younger women? â€Å"We expected so little in the way of a combination of work and family,† one of the women said. â€Å" I was shocked at the entitlement of the younger women†. By the time the bottom went down out of the market most of the female investors in Fishers book were coming into retirement. The financial recession did not only raise discomforting questions and it saw women both old and young get purged into Wall Street ranks. Currently the financial sector has the biggest gender gap wage compared to other profession. The statistics stand at 55 ¢ to 62 ¢ for every $1 made by men, compared to 77 ¢ on average. On their own many of the women regretted their laser like focus when it came to individual advancement and they sought to stay clear of what had happened. One of the female investors laments â€Å"Wall Street as a casino is not the Wall Street we all entered†. Conclusion The book shows the extent to which women think they are feminist. While there is a group of women out there who are marching in the streets championing for the rights of women, there others who have entered the Wall Street and been there for some decades and are working on enacting the feminism. Most of the women who were interviewed by Melissa Fisher for her book Wall Street Women show us a group of women who take the advocacy into a higher level and moved in to change things. Women not only need to advocate for their rights and what they belief but they also need to empower themselves, believe in themselves and work towards setting the pace. Wall Street Women is a representation of what women can do when they believe in themselves. The women in this book came from different background and possessed diverse capabilities but their belief in success allowed them to enter what was believed to be a â€Å"male world† and take over by storm. Although they never got the chance to run and change things as they wished and believed, they got a chance to stand and represent women and show that it can be done. The women never had the pedigree qualities that some heiresses and widows of wealthy men in the business world but they have been able to take over and forge the way to their success as well as encourage others. If women can be able to support and empower each other as seen in the way this female executives supported the pro-life politicians there is a possibility that women will be able to bring the change they believe in. these women faced blatant discrimination and barriers to advancement, they created formal and informal associations to push and support each other’s careers. Work Cited Fisher, S. M. Wall Street Women. Duke University Press. 2012. Print. Wall Street Women. Retrieved from: Fisher, M. Wall Street Women. Retrieved from: Analysis of Wall Street Women. Retrieved from: Melissa Fisher: Wall Street Woman. Retrieved from:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay example --

1. Problem Statement: Pharmaceutical companies are facing many challenges, amongst which the most important ones are the freeze on drug prices, cost inflation, fake and counterfeit medicines, and IPR violations of patented products. In Pakistan, the World Health Organization estimates that as much as 30 to 40 percent of medication on the market may be counterfeited. Pakistanis spend 77 percent of their household health budgets on medications, which puts at high risk the quality of healthcare being received. The organic chemical industry in Pakistan faces many challenges, which includes input availability and price, scale, power, and infrastructure are one of the main problems. The inherent cyclical trends observed in the industry exaggerate these challenges. Depending on the supply and demand-side linkages, the severity of challenges differs across firms. Pakistani pharmaceutical industry is one of the major industries and it has 70% of share to fulfill the demand of finished pharmaceutical products. These both industries also contribute in economic growth and development. This study is a preliminary in nature and it will also be a milestone for future research on this topic. The aim of this study is to investigate the efficiency and the determinants of efficiency of pharmaceutical and chemical firms in Pakistan. The efficiency of each firm will be evaluated using data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach. Objectives of Study: Following are key research questions that are needed to be explored/discussed †¢ To find the economic efficiency of Pharmaceutical and Chemical firms in Pakistan using non-parametric techniques. †¢ Conduct Tobit regression analysis for augmenting the analysis. †¢ To make recommendations on the basis of empirical... ... with which pre- and post-merger activities have been conducted in banks that were studied by DEA. Since DEA in its present form was first introduced in 1978, researchers in a number of fields have quickly recognized that it is an excellent and easily used methodology for modeling operational processes for performance evaluations. This has been accompanied by other developments. For instance, Zhu (2002) provides a number of DEA spreadsheet models that can be used in performance evaluation and benchmarking. DEA’s empirical orientation and the absence of a need for the numerous a priori assumptions that accompany other approaches (such as standard forms of statistical regression analysis) have resulted in its use in a number of studies involving efficient frontier estimation in the governmental and nonprofit sector, in the regulated sector, and in the private sector.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Health vs Wealth

WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT A Introduction: The present civilization is very conspicuously marked by the two words ‘health’ and wealth’. We are the inhabitants of this civilization. This world is going on ceaselessly. The course of this world is obvious and non-stop. The above two words convey a significant role in our daily life. In comparison to health and wealth it is very difficult to decide which one is more important. But from my point of view I think health is more important at every stage of our ongoing life. Basically there are lot of logic behind both the importance of health and wealth. But I think the logic behind health is more reasonable for its importance in our life. I believe this is because health is often taken for granted. Only when someone has become serious ill do people realize the true importance of their health and the health of their friends and family. Overview on health Health: Being physically healthy is of prime importance in life. Being ill or not feeling well can drastically affect your work. Obviously, if you feel physically and mentally healthy, you can be more productive. A person can be said to possess good health when he is free from any sort of physical or mental disease. This then becomes the most priced possession for man and something that even money can’t buy. Money can buy you medicines but it can’t buy you health just like money can buy you books but it can’t buy you knowledge. It has been scientifically proven that being physically active provides a seemingly endless number of overall health benefits to all of us. If we have health, we probably will be happy and if we have both health and happiness we have all the wealth we need. Health and intellect are two blessings of life. Happiness lies first of all in health. So, nutrients are directly related with energy and energy is essential for health. In order to achieve and maintain good health there is a certain guide of do’s and don’ts that you have to follow some activities. They are having sufficient and nutritious food, doing regular exercise, having proper sleeping habit etc. all these habits will result to a good health or a healthy person. Again some bad habits (Such as smoking, drinking, having junk food etc) are forbidden in order to have good health. 0verview on wealth Wealth: It is the ability of fully experiencing life. It is true that wealth will not make a person good, but there is nobody who wants to be poor, just for being good. And as Benjamin Franklin says â€Å"Wealth is not his, that has it, but his that enjoys it†. However, there is a tendency of large number of people to run after wealth. They work to gather more and more wealth. In this process they ignore their health. They do not take care in eating food at the right time. In the process of gathering more wealth, they also undergo a lot of stress. So many people spend their health in gaining wealth and then spend their wealth to regain their health. Without wealth it is not possible to have luxurious life. Although luxurious life can not bring happiness in life, most people are willing to have it. Again to have a better and higher education wealth is essential. Though wealth can’t make us happy, it is very essential to maintain a modern society and culture. Nowadays people are becoming very stylish. In order to follow modern fashion, style and technology wealth is essential. Above all I can say though wealth helps to maintain society and culture, but it can not make us fit. Health is More Important than Wealth Two things which are always on our mind are Health and Wealth. They are of utmost importance to all of us. Health and Wealth decide the quality of life we lead. If we want to lead a happy life, wealth and health are both important. The present civilization is very conspicuously marked by these two words ‘health’ and wealth’. We are the inhabitants of this civilization. This world is going on ceaselessly. The course of this world is obvious and non-stop. The above two words convey a significant role in our daily life. In comparison to health and wealth it is very difficult to decide which one is more important. It is very difficult to decide whether ‘health’ or ‘wealth’ is more important as both of them have enough logic behind their importance. But as I found more strong logic behind the importance of ‘health’ my opinion is â€Å"Health is more and more important than wealth†. Thus, it stands to reason that health leads to happiness much more than wealth. Therefore, health is more important than wealth. secret to happiness: I’ve noticed that people who are truly content with life are enthusiastic with what they do. This enthusiasm, along with good health, is the key to being happy. It also leads to self confidence and fulfillment in life too. It may also lead to success, wealth, and achievements. money cant buy happiness: Sure, there are a lot of people who enjoy earning money, yet they might not have much money or not be happy with their money that they already earned. I have a particular greedy friend who fits this description perfectly. I noticed that these types of people have much more satisfaction talking about how much money they earned, overtime hours collected, or money saved; rather than just being happy with their money. As a result, I think that the happiness from greed of wealth is very temporary, because greedy people can never have enough money. Health’-Precious gift of Allah: Health is the precious gift of God. However, it is our responsibility to take certain steps to make best use of this gift because a deteriorating body and mind is something that snatches away the charms of life. The charms of life are contained within the perimeters of maintaining good health. We all have seen movies and real l ive events where people are fighting for freedom. It is however important for us to understand that with freedom comes along with responsibility. When freedom is gained and that responsibility is not undertaken then injustice prevails. Much in the same way you are responsible for your own health. One does have the freedom of choice to live as they want but their physical bodies have rights over them. These rights must be accounted for by the individual if he is wants to be considered as a just person. It is highly naive to place the responsibility of maintaining good health on your doctor. Sure, there are a lot of people who enjoy earning money, yet they might not have much money or not be happy with their money that they already earned. I have a particular greedy friend who fits this description perfectly. I oticed that these types of people have much more satisfaction talking about how much money they earned, overtime hours collected, or money saved; rather than just being happy with their money. As a result, I think that the happiness from greed of wealth is very temporary, because greedy people can never have enough money. There are other types of people who are very materialistic. I have several friends that c ontinuously buy new toys (such as a new car, computer, camera, electronics, etc. ) and lavish entertainment expenses (such as vacations, dinner at expensive restaurants, etc. way more often than their actual needs or long term affordability. These people always appear to thoroughly enjoy their new toys yet continuously have little or no savings. Unfortunately, their new toys quickly become not so new any more, and a new toy is needed to feel temporarily happy again. In actuality, this is more of a distraction from the really important things in life, and not true happiness or contentment. Therefore, money can not buy happiness. True happiness is what people do with their life, their family, their friends, and everyone’s health. Money is a means to do more and live longer, yet quantity is seldom better than quality. Depression: When serious people concentrate mostly on serious issues that are mostly out of their control, they tend to become more depressed. Decision Making: When someone is full of stress, worry, anxiety, and depression, they are less clearheaded to think logically and carefully. Furthermore, these people tend to accomplish less too, since they are so preoccupied. Boredom: Serious individuals tend to become more bored with mundane tasks. They prefer to work on more important tasks and solve problems instead. Some example: ?When you feel ill, you stay in bed. You can get up and perform a few essential tasks, but that zaps your energy and slows your recovery time, but if they must be done because no-one is looking after you, then that is how it is. ?Now, if you were a Gangster, losing your health would cost you a lot, unless you were Mafia Boss. ?If you were a ruler of any kind, Queen, Company President, etc. you might get away with it, but you would still be worrying about some vassal or other trying to cheat you, and that costs a lot in recovery points too. As a super-productive person, such as one who needs to be physically fit or mentally alert all the time, no health equals no chance. If an athlete became seriously ill, it would be a big blow, if not an end, to his or her career. ?Without our health we are nothing, even normal folks can't work when they are sick, or more importantly can't enjoy life. And their families and friends suffer a lot too; that all costs. ?When you are ill, y ou use up your power points by turning them in them into healing energy. And you use up more points trying to help your loved ones cope with your condition. Or trying to still stay in your â€Å"game† whether that be business, farming, whatever! Nobody is happy; there is no positive wealth coming in, and things just get heavier and harder (poorer) until you recover. ?The saying is not about catching the odd cold or having flu, but you can see for yourself how zapped you become under those conditions. ?It has more to do with serious disease, mental, spiritual and emotional, as well as physical. That is when it makes sense. Conclusion: The present civilization is very conspicuously marked by the two words ‘health’ and wealth’. We are the inhabitants of this civilization. This world is going on ceaselessly. The course of this world is obvious and non-stop. The above two words convey a significant role in our daily life. In comparison to health and wealth it is very difficult to decide which one is more important. But from my point of view I think health is more important at every stage of our ongoing life. Basically there are lot of logic behind both the importance of health and wealth. But I think the logic behind health is more reasonable for its importance in our life. In the world we see men who have a lot of wealth but they are not happy. Though they have a luxurious lifestyle but they couldn’t have a peaceful and normal life. It is proven that happiness does not come always through luxury. It is also seen that their wealth has brought luxury but has driven away their happiness. On the other hand a poor man like a beggar or a rickshaw puller or a day labor who has a sound health may be contented and may taste happiness in their life. They are not the slave of wealth rather they remain happy with what ever amount they have earned. They can enjoy a sound sleep at night because they do not have any exces THE END