Thursday, October 24, 2019

Health vs Wealth

WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT A Introduction: The present civilization is very conspicuously marked by the two words ‘health’ and wealth’. We are the inhabitants of this civilization. This world is going on ceaselessly. The course of this world is obvious and non-stop. The above two words convey a significant role in our daily life. In comparison to health and wealth it is very difficult to decide which one is more important. But from my point of view I think health is more important at every stage of our ongoing life. Basically there are lot of logic behind both the importance of health and wealth. But I think the logic behind health is more reasonable for its importance in our life. I believe this is because health is often taken for granted. Only when someone has become serious ill do people realize the true importance of their health and the health of their friends and family. Overview on health Health: Being physically healthy is of prime importance in life. Being ill or not feeling well can drastically affect your work. Obviously, if you feel physically and mentally healthy, you can be more productive. A person can be said to possess good health when he is free from any sort of physical or mental disease. This then becomes the most priced possession for man and something that even money can’t buy. Money can buy you medicines but it can’t buy you health just like money can buy you books but it can’t buy you knowledge. It has been scientifically proven that being physically active provides a seemingly endless number of overall health benefits to all of us. If we have health, we probably will be happy and if we have both health and happiness we have all the wealth we need. Health and intellect are two blessings of life. Happiness lies first of all in health. So, nutrients are directly related with energy and energy is essential for health. In order to achieve and maintain good health there is a certain guide of do’s and don’ts that you have to follow some activities. They are having sufficient and nutritious food, doing regular exercise, having proper sleeping habit etc. all these habits will result to a good health or a healthy person. Again some bad habits (Such as smoking, drinking, having junk food etc) are forbidden in order to have good health. 0verview on wealth Wealth: It is the ability of fully experiencing life. It is true that wealth will not make a person good, but there is nobody who wants to be poor, just for being good. And as Benjamin Franklin says â€Å"Wealth is not his, that has it, but his that enjoys it†. However, there is a tendency of large number of people to run after wealth. They work to gather more and more wealth. In this process they ignore their health. They do not take care in eating food at the right time. In the process of gathering more wealth, they also undergo a lot of stress. So many people spend their health in gaining wealth and then spend their wealth to regain their health. Without wealth it is not possible to have luxurious life. Although luxurious life can not bring happiness in life, most people are willing to have it. Again to have a better and higher education wealth is essential. Though wealth can’t make us happy, it is very essential to maintain a modern society and culture. Nowadays people are becoming very stylish. In order to follow modern fashion, style and technology wealth is essential. Above all I can say though wealth helps to maintain society and culture, but it can not make us fit. Health is More Important than Wealth Two things which are always on our mind are Health and Wealth. They are of utmost importance to all of us. Health and Wealth decide the quality of life we lead. If we want to lead a happy life, wealth and health are both important. The present civilization is very conspicuously marked by these two words ‘health’ and wealth’. We are the inhabitants of this civilization. This world is going on ceaselessly. The course of this world is obvious and non-stop. The above two words convey a significant role in our daily life. In comparison to health and wealth it is very difficult to decide which one is more important. It is very difficult to decide whether ‘health’ or ‘wealth’ is more important as both of them have enough logic behind their importance. But as I found more strong logic behind the importance of ‘health’ my opinion is â€Å"Health is more and more important than wealth†. Thus, it stands to reason that health leads to happiness much more than wealth. Therefore, health is more important than wealth. secret to happiness: I’ve noticed that people who are truly content with life are enthusiastic with what they do. This enthusiasm, along with good health, is the key to being happy. It also leads to self confidence and fulfillment in life too. It may also lead to success, wealth, and achievements. money cant buy happiness: Sure, there are a lot of people who enjoy earning money, yet they might not have much money or not be happy with their money that they already earned. I have a particular greedy friend who fits this description perfectly. I noticed that these types of people have much more satisfaction talking about how much money they earned, overtime hours collected, or money saved; rather than just being happy with their money. As a result, I think that the happiness from greed of wealth is very temporary, because greedy people can never have enough money. Health’-Precious gift of Allah: Health is the precious gift of God. However, it is our responsibility to take certain steps to make best use of this gift because a deteriorating body and mind is something that snatches away the charms of life. The charms of life are contained within the perimeters of maintaining good health. We all have seen movies and real l ive events where people are fighting for freedom. It is however important for us to understand that with freedom comes along with responsibility. When freedom is gained and that responsibility is not undertaken then injustice prevails. Much in the same way you are responsible for your own health. One does have the freedom of choice to live as they want but their physical bodies have rights over them. These rights must be accounted for by the individual if he is wants to be considered as a just person. It is highly naive to place the responsibility of maintaining good health on your doctor. Sure, there are a lot of people who enjoy earning money, yet they might not have much money or not be happy with their money that they already earned. I have a particular greedy friend who fits this description perfectly. I oticed that these types of people have much more satisfaction talking about how much money they earned, overtime hours collected, or money saved; rather than just being happy with their money. As a result, I think that the happiness from greed of wealth is very temporary, because greedy people can never have enough money. There are other types of people who are very materialistic. I have several friends that c ontinuously buy new toys (such as a new car, computer, camera, electronics, etc. ) and lavish entertainment expenses (such as vacations, dinner at expensive restaurants, etc. way more often than their actual needs or long term affordability. These people always appear to thoroughly enjoy their new toys yet continuously have little or no savings. Unfortunately, their new toys quickly become not so new any more, and a new toy is needed to feel temporarily happy again. In actuality, this is more of a distraction from the really important things in life, and not true happiness or contentment. Therefore, money can not buy happiness. True happiness is what people do with their life, their family, their friends, and everyone’s health. Money is a means to do more and live longer, yet quantity is seldom better than quality. Depression: When serious people concentrate mostly on serious issues that are mostly out of their control, they tend to become more depressed. Decision Making: When someone is full of stress, worry, anxiety, and depression, they are less clearheaded to think logically and carefully. Furthermore, these people tend to accomplish less too, since they are so preoccupied. Boredom: Serious individuals tend to become more bored with mundane tasks. They prefer to work on more important tasks and solve problems instead. Some example: ?When you feel ill, you stay in bed. You can get up and perform a few essential tasks, but that zaps your energy and slows your recovery time, but if they must be done because no-one is looking after you, then that is how it is. ?Now, if you were a Gangster, losing your health would cost you a lot, unless you were Mafia Boss. ?If you were a ruler of any kind, Queen, Company President, etc. you might get away with it, but you would still be worrying about some vassal or other trying to cheat you, and that costs a lot in recovery points too. As a super-productive person, such as one who needs to be physically fit or mentally alert all the time, no health equals no chance. If an athlete became seriously ill, it would be a big blow, if not an end, to his or her career. ?Without our health we are nothing, even normal folks can't work when they are sick, or more importantly can't enjoy life. And their families and friends suffer a lot too; that all costs. ?When you are ill, y ou use up your power points by turning them in them into healing energy. And you use up more points trying to help your loved ones cope with your condition. Or trying to still stay in your â€Å"game† whether that be business, farming, whatever! Nobody is happy; there is no positive wealth coming in, and things just get heavier and harder (poorer) until you recover. ?The saying is not about catching the odd cold or having flu, but you can see for yourself how zapped you become under those conditions. ?It has more to do with serious disease, mental, spiritual and emotional, as well as physical. That is when it makes sense. Conclusion: The present civilization is very conspicuously marked by the two words ‘health’ and wealth’. We are the inhabitants of this civilization. This world is going on ceaselessly. The course of this world is obvious and non-stop. The above two words convey a significant role in our daily life. In comparison to health and wealth it is very difficult to decide which one is more important. But from my point of view I think health is more important at every stage of our ongoing life. Basically there are lot of logic behind both the importance of health and wealth. But I think the logic behind health is more reasonable for its importance in our life. In the world we see men who have a lot of wealth but they are not happy. Though they have a luxurious lifestyle but they couldn’t have a peaceful and normal life. It is proven that happiness does not come always through luxury. It is also seen that their wealth has brought luxury but has driven away their happiness. On the other hand a poor man like a beggar or a rickshaw puller or a day labor who has a sound health may be contented and may taste happiness in their life. They are not the slave of wealth rather they remain happy with what ever amount they have earned. They can enjoy a sound sleep at night because they do not have any exces THE END

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