Saturday, September 28, 2019

Foundational to the Christian faith is the belief that mankind is Essay

Foundational to the Christian faith is the belief that mankind is created in the image of God - Essay Example As such, the following analysis will seek to engage the reader with the important and fundamental onus that this understanding places upon the believer; as well as a discussion and analysis of several of the texts within the Bible that confirm the importance of this â€Å"image† connection. Although a literal interpretation of the texts pertaining to mankind (humankind) being created within he image of God lends one to believe that we look and are formed literally similar to our Creator, such an approach only captures part of the meaning that can necessarily be implied. Moreover, the first reference of making mankind in the â€Å"image† of God is found in Genesis 1:26 where God staes on the final day of creation, â€Å"Let us make man in our image, in our likeness†. This dual reference to image and likeness are important; although they may seem rather complimentary at first glance. The reason behind this is that the dual reference both implies a physical and the potential for a spiritual likeness. Whereas Biblical scholars have long debated whether or not a type of original sin or tabula rasa exists within the spiritual soul of mankind, seeking to define this is only part of understanding what the texts relating to image ultimately portend. As such, it is the understanding of this author that the pervasive discussion of image and thelinkages between human and devine that are effected both in the Old and the New Testament show a unique layer of importance being bestowed upon the level of understanding that the believer is able to integrate with this reality of similarity. Though it might be tempting, being created within the mere image of God is not enough in and of itself to allow the believer to assume an air of neither infallibility nor perfection. However, in helping to denote this comparison to an even more profound degree, the New Testament book of Hebrews chapter 4:15 states: â€Å"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to em pathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet he did not sin†. This of course helps to make the New Testament teachings concerning the path of righteousness that Christ laid out for his followers as even more pertinent and even more salient. Although true that mankind is created in the physical likeness of the Creator, he is also endowed with a unique spiritual ability to develop the relationship with the Father; just as His Son did during his ministry on Earth. The necessity for all of this is manifestly evident with regards to the field of special education. Due to the fact that there exists a clear and determinant relationship between the teacher and the student, similar to the relationship that existed between Christ and his disciples during His ministry on earth, it is necessary for these stakeholders to integrate closely with the idea and understanding for how the image of God can most effectively be transmitt ed to stakeholders within the educational setting. By seeking to engage these individuals with regards to fairness, patience, honesty, and longsuffering, the image of God can be effectively transmitted to these youth; regardless of their developmental level; thereby helping to promote an appreciation and understanding of how the image

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