Monday, September 16, 2019

Rationalist Vs. Romantics Essay

Writers during the Revolution were classified as either positivist or romantic. but whether they were classified as positivist or romantic depended on their manner of composing. Positivist and romantic writers wrote smiliarly utilizing the same techniques. but they besides were different from each other. A positivist writer during this clip period was Patrick Henry. In the Virginia Convention of 1775. Henry stood up and gave a address. Its topic was about Independence that they need from Great Britain. Henry believe that â€Å"No adult male thinks more extremely than I do of the patriotidsm. every bit good as the abilites. of the really worthy gentlemen who have merely addressed the House† ( 1. 1 ) . Henry is stating that their nationalism is the feeling they need so they can interrupt away from England. One of the sentence structure that Henry uses is an Anaphora. Henry repeats the word battle twice in the 4th paragraph. and correspondence is besides used in the transition. In the 4th parapraph. the writer uses period sentence. â€Å"If we wish to be free-if we mean to continue inviolate those incomputable privileges for which we have been so long contending-if we mean non meanly to abandon the baronial battle in which we have been so long engaged. and which we have pledged ourselves ne'er to abandon until glorious object of our contest shall be obtained. we must contend! I repeat it. sir. we must contend! An entreaty to weaponries and to the God of Hosts is all that is left of us† ( 4. 22 ) . Rhetorical schemes are what Henry uses to do his address more effectual. Arguementation is used throughout paragraph 4. by inquiring rhetorical inquiries such as â€Å"Shall we gather strength by indecision and inaction† ( 5. 6 ) . Appastion is used in paragraph 6 with â€Å"Gentlemen may shout peace. peace-but there is no peace ( 6. 2 ) . A romantic writer of this clip period was Ralph Waldo Emerson’s From Nature. Emerson uses figures of address such as imagination. He says. â€Å"But every dark come out these minister plenipotentiaries of beauty. and light the existence with their admonishing smile† ( 1. 8 ) . Another illustration of imagination is. â€Å"The flowers. the animate beings. the mountains. reflected al the wisdome of his best hr. as muchas they had delighted the simpleness of his childhood† ( 2. 5 ) . A similie was a figure of address in paragraph 4. â€Å"In the forests excessively. a adult male casts off his old ages. as the bite his gangrene. and at what period soever of life. is ever a child† ( 4. 14 ) . Cause and consequence was used in Emerson’s transition ; â€Å"Then. there is a sort of disdain of the landscape felt by him who has merely lost by decease a beloved friend† ( 7. 6 ) . Both of the writers have similarities between the manners of authorship. They both contained the syntax elements to do their address and transition powerful. They were both considered to be Rebels. because of their actions towards regulations and or Torahs. The difference between these writers. is the fact that Henry was really passionate about nationalism and how America needs to contend Britain to be free from their regulation. Emerson writes about nature and how nature is beautiful. and relates to adult male. Emerson wasnt involved with any of the rationalist actions against the British. In Conclusion. Henry and Emerson manners of composing were similar anddifferent. Those both contained cardinal elements of literature. while they used different words and phrases.

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