Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Write about a time you felt like a stranger in a village Essay

Write about a time you felt like a stranger in a village - Essay Example He had brought with him not only the exterior changes vis-Ã  -vis new dress style but also the baggage of modernity where technology was fast replacing the personal touch. My friend was now smartly dressed in branded jeans and shoes that had brought the envy of youngsters. Lifestyle changes within him were also reflected in his way of interacting with his elders and old friends who had remained in the village. He did not like to discuss the farming problems nor was interested in playing with his old mates. He found those activities subservient to his new status; he was now a respected scholar; he was destined for higher things in life and not for the mundane life of a villager. His laptop had become more important for him than talking with his parents, friends and village elders who were looking forward to his return. So it was not surprising that soon, the rest of the villagers started treated him as stranger and he indeed started feeling like a

Monday, October 28, 2019

Wall Street Women Essay Example for Free

Wall Street Women Essay The book Wall Street Women is book talking about the first generation women who have been able to establish themselves as professional in Wall Street. It goes back to the 1960’s when women began their careers and were faced by blatant discrimination and challenges in their advancement, they created and formed formal and informal associations with an aim of bolstering each other’s careers. This historical ethnography by Melissa S. Fisher borrows from fieldwork, archival research and extensive interviews with successful women of the first generation in Wall Street. She goes on to describe their professional and political associations most common being the Women’s Campaign Fund and the Financial Women’s Association of New York which were groups formed to promote the election of pro-choice women. Melissa S. Fisher charts the evolution of women’s careers and how they have grown both politically and economically. She looks at the changes in their perspectives and the cultural climate in Wall Street as well as the 2008 financial collapse. In Wall Street most of the pioneering subjects never participated in the women’s movement that had been happening in the 1960’s and 1970’s. She argues that these women did produce a â€Å"market feminism† which was in line with the liberal feminist ideas on meritocracy and gender equity with the logic of the market. This is a book that has been well researched and thoroughly documented and it’s a portrait of pioneer women by providing context for understanding the emergent discourse of feminizing markets. Fisher saw an opportunity to carve out a niche within the academic literature to examine career movements and the underlying motivation for women in Wall Street. She began by interviewing a group of 20 women who were in senior level management in 1993. She went on to keep in touch with them to throughout the financial crisis and kept track of their careers and identified their frustrations and challenges as well as ultimately locating their trajectories within a cultural framework. The results of this research ended up in a book Wall Street Women. Discussion Wall Street Women looks into what it’s really like to make a career in the boardrooms of the incorrigible boys club of high finance. Fisher is a scholar at New York University in the department of Social and Cultural Analysis and traces fifty years of the personal and professional lives of the first generation women who make it as executives on Wall Street. The females in this book served in the top most units of major investment banks and brokerage firms as well as ran their own boutique management firms. She did a decade worth of research with interviews conducted in offices in London and New York. All this female professionals were picked from fundraisers and networks during events at the Upper East Side manses and they were followed up even after the financial crisis. She displays how women who made it on Wall Street deftly deployed their supposedly innate risk-averse qualities to be able to stay at the top of their game. This means that women had to deploy their female innate qualities to be able to stay afloat for a long term. Since the 1990’s female executives have cast and portrayed themselves as prudent â€Å"mothers making family purchases† this is directly opposite to the hot-blooded male investors on Wall Street. These same traits that made these women would be â€Å"saviors of the economy†. According to Fisher this is a function strategy and not part of a biological function. Some people believe that women are more conservative and risk-averse than their male counterparts. Some also believe that if women had filled more top leadership roles the financial crisis and recession would not have come out that way. They believe that things would have unfolded differently. According to Wall Street Women it shows like women have different intrinsic qualities and are capable of handling issues different. According to Fisher this is not purely biological rather its psychological asp ect. Its more on the socialization nature of women rather, women are brought up to inhabit and possess some of this characters and qualities. There could be a connection between being a woman and being risk-averse. The bottom line however is that it never about the women; it’s always about the powers that are in play. Systems of power play a big role in influencing socialization and how people run things. People need to realize that some of these ideas are culturally constructed and can be changed if people became more culturally conscious on issues being raised. Wall Street Women does not reveal the names of the women or the names of their firms. However, the book does give us the pleasure of hearing conversations that take place behind closed doors in corporate boardrooms and offices. These women in Wall Street dish and talk about the guys in their offices and companies they really dish. The women in book share their fears on what men think of them and they are unnervingly nervous. One of the female executives is worried about the lay-off post crash due to the recession and is worried that she is becoming a â€Å"a bag lady†. This is a really odd concern by a multimillionaire. In the same scenario we get a younger employee who wants to take a maternity leave being told by her female boss â€Å"As far as I’m concerned, you have screwed up your job†. There is an aspect of homo sociality in the book, where employers in most sectors tend to hire other who act and look like them. This only means one thing that even at that time fewer women got hired in Wall Street. This scenario has led to fewer women being promoted and moving up the ladder. One wonders if recognizing this as a phenomenon in the business world is going to help change things and if it’s an innate practice how can society help change it. Fisher shows us that is really hard to completely take over power over culture. Some of these practices are ingrained in peoples mind and they believe in them. These are broader economic systems and it will require a large number of women in the sector to be able to pressure them to a point of rupture. To change some ideologies and stereotypes against women there is need for more women to rise and become professionals so that they can become part of the change mechanism. By rising and proving to the world that its possible for some belief systems to be brought down women will be able to influence some of the issues that are facing them. The groups of female executives in Wall Street Women are an example of what women can become when they believe in themselves and when they raise to the occasion and work towards empowering themselves. Women need to be their own champions when it comes to matters changing how society views them. Having a few women at the top and running things does not change things. As seen in Wall Street Women things in the business world on matters involving women did not change much even when this few women worked their way to the top and ran successful businesses. Today the world hasn’t accepted the fact that women can take control of things and handle bu siness well even when a few have risen to the occasion and done so. Some of the policies in the workplace do not accommodate women. However, there some policies being implemented for the good of women but when it comes to real practice the story is not the same. One example is with flexible time, men are not the ones who are supposed to take flex time. Even with some of these policies in place culture and cultural beliefs still come into play. Sometimes and actual shift may not take place because there is a stronger cultural hold that is informal and is prevailing over formal rule. Most of the women in the book Wall Street Women started their business careers back in the early 1970’s and were beneficiaries of the post war affluence that democratized and reigned college enrollment. They were also boosted by the civil rights-era laws that banned hiring discrimination laws that mostly locked women out of the corporate and business world. Wall Street was becoming more diverse. Wall Street had become more meritocratic as well as relatively diverse with a great number of middle-class strivers without the luster of a distinguished family pedigree and joined investment banks and brokerage firms. These women did not have MBA’s and insider connections, a common path that cut through the banking industry research divisions as well as back office support when they joined Wall Street. The brokers had all the unrepentant brashness and frat boy chumminess but they still went on and depended on number crunchers. When the deal making became more complex and harder the need for more research grew and became more important. Fisher says, â€Å"Joined investment bankers and traders in the ‘front office’†. These women had to go down on the ground to do the research on investment and study markets for themselves. They never allowed whatever they lacked disrupt them or make them miss in their goal to success. For this women change came slowly, with time they learnt the ropes and got to know how to overcome challenges. Wall Street was not smooth sailing they had to stand and learn the trick behind all those deals and business transactions. Back in the 1970’s there were less than 100 professional women working on Wall Street. They had to negotiate work attire when there were no models that they could draw from and they had constant headaches for those who didn’t want to look like secretaries. Some of the female investors even donned suits and ties just like their men colleagues in the business. â€Å"I feel like I am Jane Goodall†, was marveled by one woman recalling the dynamics of a male-run board meeting. The first professional group of women in Wall Street was the Financial Women’s Association was formed in 1956. By all accounts the women group was very conservative and in 1978 they voted against advocating the Equal Rights Amendment. They worked to advance themselves on Wall Street as they felt they couldn’t be overtly political. They became more relaxed in their fight for equality in the work place as well as the business world. The Financial Women Association and an offshoot the Women’s Campaign Fund played a central and important role in another movement that funded an early generation of women politicians. By the 1990’s the group of female investors that Fisher was studying presented the first organized group of rich women who weren’t heiresses and widows. They had made their way to the top and on the way had made a lot of money to help the stay there. These women would go on to bankroll a new wave of pro-choice female candidates. They started influencing other sectors apart from the business world in Wall Street. In this part Fisher goes on to explain a little known bit of history. These women furthered the careers of women like the former Texas Governor Ann Richards as well as Senators Olympia Snowe a Republican from Maine and Barbara Boxer a Democrat from California. Back then there was an advocacy for corporate diversity and affirmative action ideas that did not seem to sit well with the women in Wall Street in Fishers book. Congress had mandated a twelve week of unpaid maternity leave in the year 1993. One wonders now that they were the bosses in these companies, how generous should they be to younger women? â€Å"We expected so little in the way of a combination of work and family,† one of the women said. â€Å" I was shocked at the entitlement of the younger women†. By the time the bottom went down out of the market most of the female investors in Fishers book were coming into retirement. The financial recession did not only raise discomforting questions and it saw women both old and young get purged into Wall Street ranks. Currently the financial sector has the biggest gender gap wage compared to other profession. The statistics stand at 55 ¢ to 62 ¢ for every $1 made by men, compared to 77 ¢ on average. On their own many of the women regretted their laser like focus when it came to individual advancement and they sought to stay clear of what had happened. One of the female investors laments â€Å"Wall Street as a casino is not the Wall Street we all entered†. Conclusion The book shows the extent to which women think they are feminist. While there is a group of women out there who are marching in the streets championing for the rights of women, there others who have entered the Wall Street and been there for some decades and are working on enacting the feminism. Most of the women who were interviewed by Melissa Fisher for her book Wall Street Women show us a group of women who take the advocacy into a higher level and moved in to change things. Women not only need to advocate for their rights and what they belief but they also need to empower themselves, believe in themselves and work towards setting the pace. Wall Street Women is a representation of what women can do when they believe in themselves. The women in this book came from different background and possessed diverse capabilities but their belief in success allowed them to enter what was believed to be a â€Å"male world† and take over by storm. Although they never got the chance to run and change things as they wished and believed, they got a chance to stand and represent women and show that it can be done. The women never had the pedigree qualities that some heiresses and widows of wealthy men in the business world but they have been able to take over and forge the way to their success as well as encourage others. If women can be able to support and empower each other as seen in the way this female executives supported the pro-life politicians there is a possibility that women will be able to bring the change they believe in. these women faced blatant discrimination and barriers to advancement, they created formal and informal associations to push and support each other’s careers. Work Cited Fisher, S. M. Wall Street Women. Duke University Press. 2012. Print. Wall Street Women. Retrieved from: Fisher, M. Wall Street Women. Retrieved from: Analysis of Wall Street Women. Retrieved from: Melissa Fisher: Wall Street Woman. Retrieved from:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay example --

1. Problem Statement: Pharmaceutical companies are facing many challenges, amongst which the most important ones are the freeze on drug prices, cost inflation, fake and counterfeit medicines, and IPR violations of patented products. In Pakistan, the World Health Organization estimates that as much as 30 to 40 percent of medication on the market may be counterfeited. Pakistanis spend 77 percent of their household health budgets on medications, which puts at high risk the quality of healthcare being received. The organic chemical industry in Pakistan faces many challenges, which includes input availability and price, scale, power, and infrastructure are one of the main problems. The inherent cyclical trends observed in the industry exaggerate these challenges. Depending on the supply and demand-side linkages, the severity of challenges differs across firms. Pakistani pharmaceutical industry is one of the major industries and it has 70% of share to fulfill the demand of finished pharmaceutical products. These both industries also contribute in economic growth and development. This study is a preliminary in nature and it will also be a milestone for future research on this topic. The aim of this study is to investigate the efficiency and the determinants of efficiency of pharmaceutical and chemical firms in Pakistan. The efficiency of each firm will be evaluated using data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach. Objectives of Study: Following are key research questions that are needed to be explored/discussed †¢ To find the economic efficiency of Pharmaceutical and Chemical firms in Pakistan using non-parametric techniques. †¢ Conduct Tobit regression analysis for augmenting the analysis. †¢ To make recommendations on the basis of empirical... ... with which pre- and post-merger activities have been conducted in banks that were studied by DEA. Since DEA in its present form was first introduced in 1978, researchers in a number of fields have quickly recognized that it is an excellent and easily used methodology for modeling operational processes for performance evaluations. This has been accompanied by other developments. For instance, Zhu (2002) provides a number of DEA spreadsheet models that can be used in performance evaluation and benchmarking. DEA’s empirical orientation and the absence of a need for the numerous a priori assumptions that accompany other approaches (such as standard forms of statistical regression analysis) have resulted in its use in a number of studies involving efficient frontier estimation in the governmental and nonprofit sector, in the regulated sector, and in the private sector.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Health vs Wealth

WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT A Introduction: The present civilization is very conspicuously marked by the two words ‘health’ and wealth’. We are the inhabitants of this civilization. This world is going on ceaselessly. The course of this world is obvious and non-stop. The above two words convey a significant role in our daily life. In comparison to health and wealth it is very difficult to decide which one is more important. But from my point of view I think health is more important at every stage of our ongoing life. Basically there are lot of logic behind both the importance of health and wealth. But I think the logic behind health is more reasonable for its importance in our life. I believe this is because health is often taken for granted. Only when someone has become serious ill do people realize the true importance of their health and the health of their friends and family. Overview on health Health: Being physically healthy is of prime importance in life. Being ill or not feeling well can drastically affect your work. Obviously, if you feel physically and mentally healthy, you can be more productive. A person can be said to possess good health when he is free from any sort of physical or mental disease. This then becomes the most priced possession for man and something that even money can’t buy. Money can buy you medicines but it can’t buy you health just like money can buy you books but it can’t buy you knowledge. It has been scientifically proven that being physically active provides a seemingly endless number of overall health benefits to all of us. If we have health, we probably will be happy and if we have both health and happiness we have all the wealth we need. Health and intellect are two blessings of life. Happiness lies first of all in health. So, nutrients are directly related with energy and energy is essential for health. In order to achieve and maintain good health there is a certain guide of do’s and don’ts that you have to follow some activities. They are having sufficient and nutritious food, doing regular exercise, having proper sleeping habit etc. all these habits will result to a good health or a healthy person. Again some bad habits (Such as smoking, drinking, having junk food etc) are forbidden in order to have good health. 0verview on wealth Wealth: It is the ability of fully experiencing life. It is true that wealth will not make a person good, but there is nobody who wants to be poor, just for being good. And as Benjamin Franklin says â€Å"Wealth is not his, that has it, but his that enjoys it†. However, there is a tendency of large number of people to run after wealth. They work to gather more and more wealth. In this process they ignore their health. They do not take care in eating food at the right time. In the process of gathering more wealth, they also undergo a lot of stress. So many people spend their health in gaining wealth and then spend their wealth to regain their health. Without wealth it is not possible to have luxurious life. Although luxurious life can not bring happiness in life, most people are willing to have it. Again to have a better and higher education wealth is essential. Though wealth can’t make us happy, it is very essential to maintain a modern society and culture. Nowadays people are becoming very stylish. In order to follow modern fashion, style and technology wealth is essential. Above all I can say though wealth helps to maintain society and culture, but it can not make us fit. Health is More Important than Wealth Two things which are always on our mind are Health and Wealth. They are of utmost importance to all of us. Health and Wealth decide the quality of life we lead. If we want to lead a happy life, wealth and health are both important. The present civilization is very conspicuously marked by these two words ‘health’ and wealth’. We are the inhabitants of this civilization. This world is going on ceaselessly. The course of this world is obvious and non-stop. The above two words convey a significant role in our daily life. In comparison to health and wealth it is very difficult to decide which one is more important. It is very difficult to decide whether ‘health’ or ‘wealth’ is more important as both of them have enough logic behind their importance. But as I found more strong logic behind the importance of ‘health’ my opinion is â€Å"Health is more and more important than wealth†. Thus, it stands to reason that health leads to happiness much more than wealth. Therefore, health is more important than wealth. secret to happiness: I’ve noticed that people who are truly content with life are enthusiastic with what they do. This enthusiasm, along with good health, is the key to being happy. It also leads to self confidence and fulfillment in life too. It may also lead to success, wealth, and achievements. money cant buy happiness: Sure, there are a lot of people who enjoy earning money, yet they might not have much money or not be happy with their money that they already earned. I have a particular greedy friend who fits this description perfectly. I noticed that these types of people have much more satisfaction talking about how much money they earned, overtime hours collected, or money saved; rather than just being happy with their money. As a result, I think that the happiness from greed of wealth is very temporary, because greedy people can never have enough money. Health’-Precious gift of Allah: Health is the precious gift of God. However, it is our responsibility to take certain steps to make best use of this gift because a deteriorating body and mind is something that snatches away the charms of life. The charms of life are contained within the perimeters of maintaining good health. We all have seen movies and real l ive events where people are fighting for freedom. It is however important for us to understand that with freedom comes along with responsibility. When freedom is gained and that responsibility is not undertaken then injustice prevails. Much in the same way you are responsible for your own health. One does have the freedom of choice to live as they want but their physical bodies have rights over them. These rights must be accounted for by the individual if he is wants to be considered as a just person. It is highly naive to place the responsibility of maintaining good health on your doctor. Sure, there are a lot of people who enjoy earning money, yet they might not have much money or not be happy with their money that they already earned. I have a particular greedy friend who fits this description perfectly. I oticed that these types of people have much more satisfaction talking about how much money they earned, overtime hours collected, or money saved; rather than just being happy with their money. As a result, I think that the happiness from greed of wealth is very temporary, because greedy people can never have enough money. There are other types of people who are very materialistic. I have several friends that c ontinuously buy new toys (such as a new car, computer, camera, electronics, etc. ) and lavish entertainment expenses (such as vacations, dinner at expensive restaurants, etc. way more often than their actual needs or long term affordability. These people always appear to thoroughly enjoy their new toys yet continuously have little or no savings. Unfortunately, their new toys quickly become not so new any more, and a new toy is needed to feel temporarily happy again. In actuality, this is more of a distraction from the really important things in life, and not true happiness or contentment. Therefore, money can not buy happiness. True happiness is what people do with their life, their family, their friends, and everyone’s health. Money is a means to do more and live longer, yet quantity is seldom better than quality. Depression: When serious people concentrate mostly on serious issues that are mostly out of their control, they tend to become more depressed. Decision Making: When someone is full of stress, worry, anxiety, and depression, they are less clearheaded to think logically and carefully. Furthermore, these people tend to accomplish less too, since they are so preoccupied. Boredom: Serious individuals tend to become more bored with mundane tasks. They prefer to work on more important tasks and solve problems instead. Some example: ?When you feel ill, you stay in bed. You can get up and perform a few essential tasks, but that zaps your energy and slows your recovery time, but if they must be done because no-one is looking after you, then that is how it is. ?Now, if you were a Gangster, losing your health would cost you a lot, unless you were Mafia Boss. ?If you were a ruler of any kind, Queen, Company President, etc. you might get away with it, but you would still be worrying about some vassal or other trying to cheat you, and that costs a lot in recovery points too. As a super-productive person, such as one who needs to be physically fit or mentally alert all the time, no health equals no chance. If an athlete became seriously ill, it would be a big blow, if not an end, to his or her career. ?Without our health we are nothing, even normal folks can't work when they are sick, or more importantly can't enjoy life. And their families and friends suffer a lot too; that all costs. ?When you are ill, y ou use up your power points by turning them in them into healing energy. And you use up more points trying to help your loved ones cope with your condition. Or trying to still stay in your â€Å"game† whether that be business, farming, whatever! Nobody is happy; there is no positive wealth coming in, and things just get heavier and harder (poorer) until you recover. ?The saying is not about catching the odd cold or having flu, but you can see for yourself how zapped you become under those conditions. ?It has more to do with serious disease, mental, spiritual and emotional, as well as physical. That is when it makes sense. Conclusion: The present civilization is very conspicuously marked by the two words ‘health’ and wealth’. We are the inhabitants of this civilization. This world is going on ceaselessly. The course of this world is obvious and non-stop. The above two words convey a significant role in our daily life. In comparison to health and wealth it is very difficult to decide which one is more important. But from my point of view I think health is more important at every stage of our ongoing life. Basically there are lot of logic behind both the importance of health and wealth. But I think the logic behind health is more reasonable for its importance in our life. In the world we see men who have a lot of wealth but they are not happy. Though they have a luxurious lifestyle but they couldn’t have a peaceful and normal life. It is proven that happiness does not come always through luxury. It is also seen that their wealth has brought luxury but has driven away their happiness. On the other hand a poor man like a beggar or a rickshaw puller or a day labor who has a sound health may be contented and may taste happiness in their life. They are not the slave of wealth rather they remain happy with what ever amount they have earned. They can enjoy a sound sleep at night because they do not have any exces THE END

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Love Cycle Essay

The rain starts pouring that particular early evening. Other students run towards buildings for shelter, but I do not notice the cold. How I feel is more overpowering than the disgust I would have felt for me getting soaked at any other time. My feet automatically stop right next to the bench where I have first seen her. That was what, more than a year ago, and I have not seen her for six months now. My beautiful, sweet Angie. Nothing could have prepared me for that one, fateful night when I passed by the same spot on my way home and, against the darkness of the park, I noticed a girl with her head bowed, her arms propped against the bench, and her hair covering her face. It was raining then, too, and that forlorn figure got me worried in spite of myself. So I had approached where she sat, and carefully asked, â€Å"Uhm, miss? † She did not look up. Maybe she was a stone sculpture, until I heard a hiccup. â€Å"Miss, are you OK? It’s raining and, uh, it’s kind of dark here. † The girl slowly sat upright until she was looking at me directly. I swear I heard angels singing when she trained those eyes on me. But they were sad, tear-stained eyes. I could not help thinking what possibly made such beautiful girl cry. Yes, she was beautiful even with the dark stains in her cheeks. Despite the situation, the guy in me just could not stop checking her out. She looked tall and slender. Her hair was long, almost reaching her elbow. She had these thin eyebrows, the kind I usually looked at in women. They made her eyes look bigger and God, didn’t she have the longest eyelashes. What guy wouldn’t fall for a woman who looks like her? My scrutiny halted when she muttered, almost inaudibly, â€Å"I’m OK. † Her voice sounded sweet to my ears. I have never been a picky person, except when it comes to women. I can eat anything, anyone can be my friend, but I can never just pick out one woman from the crowd and pursue her ‘til she say that sweet ‘Yes. ’ I guess maybe that’s the reason why I fell hopelessly in love with Angie. She just appeared into my life without warning, and she never sent any signal to my direction that she likes me, too. A week after that incident, I was forced to do some researching at the main library. By any choice, I would have chosen to play hoops with the guys, but my grade was on the line. Little did I know that I’d see her for the second time, in the library. The funny thing was we were obviously looking for the same thing because we reached for an old book at the same time. When we looked at each other, I found out it was her. She must have recognized me because she tentatively smiled. â€Å"Uh, go ahead,† I said, ever the gentleman. She took the book and said, â€Å"I guess there’s only this copy here. By the way, I’m Angie. You were that guy. † It made me smile because she did remember. â€Å"Yeah! I’m Skip. † When she looked puzzled, I added, â€Å"Actually it’s Steven, but I’m usually called Skip. † It was a year ago now, but I can still remember the way she smiled when we studied that book, or the way her face lit up whenever she talked. Eventually we became friends as we found out we had the same teacher but a different schedule on a subject. That friendship entitled me to see her everyday and talk with her. As days and months passed, I became more attached to Angie. Sometimes I would decline my mates’ invitation for one basketball game just so I could accompany Angie to wherever she wanted to go. I found out that I immensely enjoyed her company because we have so many things in common. We both grew up in a broken family; she lived with her father, while I grew up with my mother. The comfort we found in each other after talking about a similar experience drew us ever closer. It dawned on me one day that I have fallen in love with Angie. Every time she’s away, it creates a hollow feeling that only she can fill. Even my friends noticed the change in me. I was too afraid to let her know. The last time I pursued a girl, she turned me down even before I could ask her. I felt that it might happen the second time around with Angie. That would surely crush my heart, or any chances of her and me ending up together. More days passed. I got the shock of my life when one night, while I was at the apartment studying with my friends, she came barging into the room wearing the biggest, most beautiful smile. I was imagining her telling me, â€Å"Skip, I just found out that I could not live without you! † Instead, she told me and everyone else, â€Å"Skip! My goodness, you wouldn’t believe this! Will finally asked me! † I frowned upon hearing that name. I only met Will once or twice, and it didn’t dawn on me that he was pursuing my Angie, too. I didn’t even know if the two dated. After Angie told me about him, I felt like the world was crushing me. Would she have worn the same, big, beautiful smile if I asked her? Probably not. I died when she next announced, â€Å"Skip, he asked me. How could I not say yes? We dated a few times but we always see each other during Math II and†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I no longer heard the rest of it because I stood up and, without saying anything, locked myself in my room. I didn’t hear her knocking, nor her voice pleading me to come out and tell her what’s wrong. The erratic beating of my barely functioning heart was too loud for me to hear anything. What Angie said, it was like a dagger. After all this time, I’ve been building my courage to finally tell her how I feel. But she beat me to it, with a very cruel message. Anger, regret, and resentment rolled up until I couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted to shout, to hurt myself. But how could I rewind the time, back to the days when I was on the verge of professing to her? I never felt so bad in my life, not even the way I feel about my last unfortunate episode with a girl can compare. I have loved Angie, so much in fact that I can give up anything. I nurtured this feeling until it blossomed into full-blown love that is far from what any man can comprehend. I wanted her back. I wanted back my Angie. It was so unfair. I know I haven’t indicated that I feel something special for her, but how could she not notice? It was like telling me, in my face, that she doesn’t think I’m good enough for her. It was too much that I found myself crying into the night like I never did before. The tears just wouldn’t stop even if I reminded myself it was not a macho thing. But who cares? The woman I’ve secretly loved for so long, just fluttered away. I found out it was hard. Since that night I avoided her, ignored her calls, her messages. I was hurting so much that I didn’t want to see her. Eventually the calls and messages stopped. I barely saw her in the months that followed. If I did, she was in the company of that guy who could have been me had I dared to tell her. I tried to move on because I can see that she’s happy. I was just unsure if it would be a great idea right now to be friends with her again. So the days and months that followed, I immersed myself into studying, hanging out with my friends and signing up for other activities to help me forget. I knew there was no other way but to forget, and forget I did. So in that early evening, I sit where she sat more than one year ago. The rain was accommodating, falling endlessly and washing the tears from my eyes. I was not crying because of regret, but because of the fact that I really did move on after all. I prop my hands over the edge of the cold bench and watch as droplets of rain create ripples in the puddle of water on my feet. Suddenly, rain stops falling in the puddle but it does not stop entirely. A pair of shoes appeared just next to the bench, and I noticed that a shadow stretches over the lawn in front of me. A female voice carefully asked, â€Å"Excuse me. Are you alright? † Yeah, it’s time for me to let go. Time can heal all wounds, and rain can wash away tears. I couldn’t help smiling at the turn of two similar events: one more than a year ago, and the other, right now. With a smile I looked up into the worried face of a girl holding an umbrella towards me and I said, â€Å"Yes, I’m OK. †

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

decline of the family essays

decline of the family essays Within the past ten years, the focus of American families has become unpleasantly clear. Divorce, teenage pregnancy, violence, suicide, and addiction are all plaguing our families today. Conservatives, Liberals, and Feminists all have their views on why the breakdown of the families is occurring. The conservatives believe that the lack of religious beliefs and practices have led to the moral disintegration of this generation. Daytime television glorifying unwed motherhood, further obscuring right from wrong. With traditions rapidly diminishing and society's view on moral misfortitude eroding. Many conservatives feel that welfare actually contributes to the breakup of marriages. By making fatherless families a viable option to many. With the lack of social stigma in divorce and the lack of personal commitment in marriage, all factors in the general feeling today of short term instant gratification. Society puts a very high emphasis on obtaining one's personal desires over all else, including the children's sake. There seems to be a strong connection between one parent families and the rise in health and social problems in children. The time parents are available for supervision and interaction, has dropped 10 hours in the last 20 years. Without a parent to supervis e their children after school, children watch to much TV, play in dangerous areas, and become generally too subseptible to the wrong elements. Children are expected to grow-up too fast,with parents leaving them to care for themselves at a very early age. The solution is to cut out benefits to men and women who violate social -exceptable standards of living beyond their means, by having multiple births while continuing poverty level living. The liberal view is one of changes in the economy, and the smaller family unit, distroys the social capital of organization, trust among individuals, and mutual obligation that enhan ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

stars of orion essays

stars of orion essays 01. Why do the stars in Orion look so different from each other? Looking at Orion is more than just looking at an area that is easy to recognize in the night sky. Orion is seething with activity and illustrates a clear and concise picture, of how stars are formed. It gives us the ability to compare different types of stars and most importantly, it's right next door to Earth, astronomically speaking. The interest in Orion is currently at frenzy level, astronomers have always been interested in Orion because it is only 450 parsecs (1500 light years) from Earth. As viewed from ground based telescopes, Orion has twice the angular diameter of the full moon, around 1 degree. Known as the saucepan, Orion has a most distinctive and easy to find star pattern, located in the same spiral arm of our Galaxy as the Sun. Orion is named after the Hunter of Greek mythology. If what we can see of Orion is considered exciting, that pales under the stark reality of what lies in the same region, that we can not see. To understand more about the differences in Orion, you must establish that there are differences between two sets of stars, the visible and the non-visible. The image above shows the distinctive blue/white colour of Rigel and the cool red supergiant Betelgeuse. At the center of the nebula is a cluster of four stars called the Trapezium. The brightest star in the Trapezium, known as Theta 1 Orionis C, is a very hot 39,000 Kelvin, and is the source of most of the UV radiation, which causes the nebula to glow. Below left, shows the four stars glowing brilliantly at the bottom left edge of the photo. The infrared vision of the Hubble Space Telescope's Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) is illustrating an Orion that few people outside of astronomers ever see. Thanks to Hubble more people are being introduced to astronomy with such magnificent images as these on the left. Stars in Orion looking different now t...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Irreparable vs. Unrepairable

Irreparable vs. Unrepairable Irreparable vs. Unrepairable Irreparable vs. Unrepairable By Maeve Maddox A reader asks, What are the differences between the use of unrepairable and irreparable? Pronunciation note: Unrepairable: un-ree-PAIR-uh-buhl Irreparable: i-REP-uh-ruh-buhl Both words are used to mean â€Å"incapable of being mended,† but unrepairable is nonstandard in American usage. Some online dictionaries include entries for unrepairable, but others do not. If you use any of the following free online dictionaries, you won’t find an entry for unrepairable in them: Longman Macmillan American Heritage The Free Dictionary Cambridge (no entry in either the US or UK section) If your free dictionary of choice is one of the following, you will find entries for unrepairable in them: Collins Oxford Dictionaries (including the section for US English) (based on the American Random House dictionary) Of the resources I rely on, the American dictionary Merriam-Webster Unabridged lacks an entry for unrepairable, but The Oxford English Dictionary lists the word with nine citations dating from 1600 to 2006- without any suggestion that the word is nonstandard. Another of my stalwarts, The Oxford American Writer’s Thesaurus, gives unrepairable without comment as a synonym for irreparable. Some commenters on language sites discern a difference of connotation, suggesting that unrepairable should be used to describe such things as damaged bicycles, toasters, and edifices, whereas irreparable should be reserved for reputations and things that are not man-made, like the environment. The following quotations illustrate the supposed distinction: Apples New Retina MacBook Pro is the Most  Unrepairable Laptop to Date.   The bike, a Ninja 300, was written off as unrepairable after the collision  . BUT, Attachment trauma, neglect and abuse cause irreparable damage in the developing neurons of the brain. An increase in cruise ships in the area threatens to cause irreparable damage to the continents pristine environment.   Such a distinction no doubt appeals to some people, but the futility of getting everyone to observe it is obvious to anyone who has ever tried to explain the difference between uninterested and disinterested. In practice, unrepairable and irreparable seem to be regarded as exact synonyms: Most automobile insurance policies cover the costs to repair a vehicle after a collision or some other insured cause, or if the damage is irreparable, the actual cash value of the vehicle. [The report] asserted that radiation exposure did unrepairable harm to genetic material and increased the probability of defects and mutations in future generations.   Incorrectly installed knives can cause  irreparable damage  to both the knives and the rotor, leading to serious destruction within the machine. Chlorine-free diapers are the same as regular disposables, and they wont expose your children to harsh chemicals or cause  unrepairable harm to the environment. I found this example of unrepairable in a legal context that definitely calls for irreparable: According to Stern, all three parties involved  Ã¢â‚¬Å"have made public remarks that are totally untrue, with evil malicious harmful intent to do the reputation and character of the plaintiff unrepairable harm.† The phrase â€Å"irreparable harm† is an established legal term. Its meaning is â€Å"harm that cannot be reversed or repaired.† The bottom line for American speakers is that unrepairable is nonstandard- for now. Note: Two other nonstandard forms sometimes seen are irrepairable and nonrepairable. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Punctuate References to Dates and TimesBest Websites to Learn English20 Slang Terms for Law Enforcement Personnel

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Improving Patient Flow in Emergency Departments Research Paper

Improving Patient Flow in Emergency Departments - Research Paper Example He added that the increased number of admissions and unscheduled patients has significant impacts on the entire emergency care delivery system. In the throughput phase, there were delays in the operating suites because it is mainly done in specific days of a week. He said that surgical operations are done on Mondays and Tuesdays rather than spreading out the operations throughout the week. It, therefore, means that surgeons and other clinical officers are very busy in some days and free in others. The administrator of Provicence Hospital added that the various problems faced experienced in the output phase include prolonged time of discharge or referral and incomplete treatments. He noted that the incomplete treatments is a common problem in ED because it leads to delayed discharges and referrals and can last for many weeks when patients are instructed to visit the ED again in specific dates (Hall, 2013). Bottlenecks and the metrics used to identify them as well as the challenges of the patient were also identified during the interview. Note that the term ‘bottlenecks’ is the part of the emergency care delivery systems that is obstructed to cause delays and waits. Metrics and the methods used to measure the efficiency of the system (Hall, 2013). Based on Mr. Johnson’s response, the bottlenecks in the emergency care delivery system can be divided into three groups. In the group for inputs, the major bottleneck is the delayed admission and registration of patients due to the fact that clinical care responsibilities are not separated from the paper and information flow. The metrics used to identify this issue involved the measurement of the time taken for patients to be registered. Do they wait for long on the benches? Based on his response, most of the patients admitted to the ED wait for around 40-45minutes before they are treated. In the group addressing the throughput, the main bottleneck identified is the creation of idle time

Explain the function of religion (e.g from a sociological, Essay

Explain the function of religion (e.g from a sociological, pychological and anthropological perspective). Can the relationship between religion and magic be seen as dangerous - Essay Example Religion is supposed to define the way of living of a society. . The sociological functions of religion are far more than that could be written in words and explained. Religions serve in a society by affecting the life style of a mere individual and by affecting a whole society. Religion is supposed to be a key stone in a society on which the whole society exists and survives. Different religions serve as a form of identity for the societies of the world. They define the way of living and provide order to a society. â€Å"The ten Commandments† given to Moses served as a source through which the followers of that particular religion defined their way of living. However, religions are supposed to have both positive and negative impacts in a society. As man is considered as both the creator and the creation of society, religions is supposed to take away the supposed freedom from the man that allows him to rule this world in his own way. According to some people with a different mindset, religion is thought to create a social conflict by opp ressing the people in the society and creating illusions to ease pain (Leming 1998). However this role of religion has not been accepted by a major group of people who consider religion as a source of harmony. Whether from a same region or not, from the same ethnicity or not, people of the same religion get together at specific times. This allows them to get to know each other properly and make the bond between them more and more strong. Christmas, Hajj and many other religious festivals are such examples when people from around the world get together at one place, families reunite; friends meet and enjoy the company of each other. Religions are solely responsible for such happenings which serve as an important factor in the strength of a society. All the important factors that contribute to the development

Friday, October 18, 2019

Musical Instruments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Musical Instruments - Essay Example It will concentrate on their distinction and similarities in terms of structure, performance techniques, occasion when they are played, and their historical context. The origin of the Arabic oud is often associated with Biblical history. A myth tells the story of Lamech, the sixth grandson of Adam who is extremely grieved by the death of his son. Thus, being unable to contain his grief, he hung his son's remains in a tree. The first oud is said to have been inspired from the shape of Lamech's desiccated skeleton (Parfitt 2). The Arabic oud is described as a pear-shaped, stringed instrument similar to lute which is commonly used in Middle Eastern music (Oud 1). It should be noted that both the oud and the lute are derived from the Arabic term al-ud which is literally translated as "wood." Gianfranco Lotti also suggests that "the 'wood' appellation originally carried derogatory connotations, because of proscriptions of all instrumental music in early Islam (Oud 2)." The exact date when the oud is created can never be accurately determined. However, evidence showing the earliest usage of this musical instrument dates back to the Uruk period in Southern Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq) which is 5000 years ago. Dr. Dominique Collon acquired a cylinder seal which shows the picture of a "female crouching with her instruments upon a boat, playing right handed" (Parfitt 3). It should be noted that aside from this pictorial record, the oud appears all throughout the Mesopatamian history highlighting its importance in the civilization and culture. Throughout time, the original structure of the oud has been rather modified due to the social changes. The oud is consists of a "large soundbox connected to a short neck, features that give it its letters patent of nobility and distinguished it from the long-necked lute family" (Parfitt 4). The body of the oud which is originally pear-shaped has been transformed into a more swelling and rounded one. Since the oud is used by many countries, its structure also varies with according to its regional origin. There are three varieties of Arabic ouds: Syrian which are slightly larger, longer-necked, and lower in pitch; Iraqi which are generally similar to Syrian oud but with floating bridges which focuses the mid-range frequencies and gives the instruments a guitar-like sound; and Egyptian which has a more-pear shaped body, slightly different tone, very ornate, and highly decorated (Oud 4). However, amidst the differences and variations which appeared, the Arabic oud still has distinct and defining features that separate it from other musical instruments. Compared to other stringed instruments, the Arabic oud is distinctive because of the number of its sound-holes. The oud generally has one to three sound-holes. Furthermore, the ouds body contains a staved, bow-like back which resembles the back of half watermelon allowing it to resonate and produce a more complex tone. The Arabic oud also has a pegbox which is bent at 45-90 angle from its neck. This musical instrument is also distinctive because of its eleven strings. It should be noted that the first ten are arranged in pairs while the eleventh remains single. The Arabic oud, is also differentiated from other plucked instruments because

Global support for trade , mixed with some doubts Article

Global support for trade , mixed with some doubts - Article Example Firstly these countries started trading a long time ago and the negatives of trade have started to show prominently along with its positive. Its human nature that we give importance to the negatives more than the positives even if the positive points are more in number. Secondly terrorism has developed a negative mind frame in every person, which is very obvious due to the terrorist activities that have happened recently hence people of the developed countries have started to think that any contact with the outside undeveloped countries might bring in terrorists and terrorism in their own country. The second aspect of the article is that capitalism has been the preferred mode of running the system of the country. Majority around the World agreed to the fact that capitalism is a more authentic mode. In the same way people also emphasized that environmental protection should be given priority even if that slows down the process of development of a country, I agree with this statement as education around the world is changing the way we think and saving environment should be our first priority. Another important problem that has arisen due to Globalization is of migration. People tend to migrate to developed countries for a better living standard. Another reason for people migrating are the wars going on around the globe. The migration problem has lead to the implementation of harsher immigration rules by some countries. The overall population around the World is against immigration. The article also covers the area of culture, which is how many people in different countries think that their culture is superior to other cultures. From my point of view every person has the right to decide whether his or her culture is superior to that of others. In this sense the Americans were most culture oriented and the majority thought that their culture is superior to other cultures unlike residents of other countries. This is due to the high development and standard of the U.S. residents. The article also checked out the relation between wealth and religious beliefs. This was an obvious result, as people don't normally associate closeness to religion by their wealth. It is not necessary that a rich person would be religious and it comes from rational thinking. Coming to homosexuality, most of the people said it can be tolerated but can't be accepted. This was an expected result as people don't usually interfere in the matters of others in the Western Countries and all types of freedom are given to people. This is another factor why people of Western Countries think that their culture is superior to other cultures because it minimizes boundaries. Countries that are developed and do not face any major problems or threats to their economy favored immigration and were happy to have people coming from all over the world to work in their country. This is because under developed countries find it hard to cope with the immigrants and the government itself looks to avoid immigrants hence it tightens up the immigration rules. Talking about democracy and dictatorship, it is obvious and proved many times that democracy is the best policy but in certain situations when the stability of the country is at stake people thought that dictatorship was the best policy. People mostly rejected this idea of democracy being the Western way of doing things by the fact that it does work everywhere, which has been proven time and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Research Paper on the emergency response of InternationaL Nashville

On the emergency response of InternationaL Nashville Airport, Tennesse - Research Paper Example There are different types of emergency: natural disasters and man-made situations and disasters. The natural disasters may appear in the shape of hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes while man-made disasters include acts of terrorism, food poisoning or any other issue that may be technical. Based on this assessment, the emergency response plan cannot be absolute or perfect; rather, it may be developed based on the type of the disaster. However, there are certain aviation standards, procedures and protocols essential for all types of emergencies or accidents. In the following parts of this paper, Incident Command System (ICS) has been discussed. It is a national level protocol describing the different aspects and concepts related to emergency. The key concepts inbuilt in it are common terminology, unity of command and so on. It is followed by the part mentioning Nashville International Airport background and different awards (as well as reasons for them) won by the airport. Addition ally, the subsequent paragraph elaborates the basic information relating to the airport. After that part, rules and regulations relating to the Accident Reports and Emergency Conditions have been provided and discussed. These rules and regulations have been taken from Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority. Before the conclusion part, the analysis of Nashville Airport emergency response exercises has been provided. The exercises have been described in detail to provide different steps taken by different authorities while responding to the emergency situations. The Incident Command System (ICS) is a nationally developed and controlled collection of constructs, procedures and operating practices providing synergistic principles for emergency response agencies (Kenville et al., 2009). This system was initially developed and established in 1970s in numerous formats and has become the widely used de facto standard amongst all agencies, particularly those

Pharmaceutical companies and the supply of essential drugs to least Assignment

Pharmaceutical companies and the supply of essential drugs to least developed countries (LDCs) - Assignment Example of HIV/AIDS is used as an example for showing the level at which the firm is willing to promote ethics and to ignore the relevant effects on its profitability. The review of the firm’s practices in supporting the patients of HIV in South Africa has revealed the following facts: the firm has taken initiatives for promoting public health, or, else, public good, in the specific regions. However, the performance of the business in fully promoting CSR can be doubted, a view that it can be verified by the allegations that the firm has faced in the past for violating ethics. On the other hand, the measures that the firm took for supporting people in poor countries cannot be ignored. Thus, it could be concluded that the firm is willing to promote CSR but it could not achieve such target without making alterations in its CSR, as suggested below. The expansion of HIV/AIDS in South Africa is quite rapid. In the map in Figure 1 (Appendices) the infection from HIV globally is presented; through this map it is made clear that South Africa holds the first place, along with other African countries of the mid-Africa region, in regard to the infection from HIV. In South Africa the expansion of HIV seems to be related mostly to young girls who become victims of sexual exploitation by old men (BBC News 2013). The graph in Figure 2 (Appendices) presents the percentage of girls as compared to boys affected from HIV in Kenya; the difference between the two categories is clear. According to a report published in March of 2013 a percentage of about ‘25% school-girls in South Africa’ (BBC News 2013, par.1) has been infected by HIV/AIDS after suffering a sexual assault. The relevant research refers to young girls up to 14 years. In fact, in South Africa women are more exposed to the risk of HIV/AIDS than men: women in South Afri ca are infected by HIV/ AIDS at a percentage of 23.2% while for men the relevant percentage is significantly lower, about 18.8% (BBC News 2014, par.4). Today,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Research Paper on the emergency response of InternationaL Nashville

On the emergency response of InternationaL Nashville Airport, Tennesse - Research Paper Example There are different types of emergency: natural disasters and man-made situations and disasters. The natural disasters may appear in the shape of hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes while man-made disasters include acts of terrorism, food poisoning or any other issue that may be technical. Based on this assessment, the emergency response plan cannot be absolute or perfect; rather, it may be developed based on the type of the disaster. However, there are certain aviation standards, procedures and protocols essential for all types of emergencies or accidents. In the following parts of this paper, Incident Command System (ICS) has been discussed. It is a national level protocol describing the different aspects and concepts related to emergency. The key concepts inbuilt in it are common terminology, unity of command and so on. It is followed by the part mentioning Nashville International Airport background and different awards (as well as reasons for them) won by the airport. Addition ally, the subsequent paragraph elaborates the basic information relating to the airport. After that part, rules and regulations relating to the Accident Reports and Emergency Conditions have been provided and discussed. These rules and regulations have been taken from Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority. Before the conclusion part, the analysis of Nashville Airport emergency response exercises has been provided. The exercises have been described in detail to provide different steps taken by different authorities while responding to the emergency situations. The Incident Command System (ICS) is a nationally developed and controlled collection of constructs, procedures and operating practices providing synergistic principles for emergency response agencies (Kenville et al., 2009). This system was initially developed and established in 1970s in numerous formats and has become the widely used de facto standard amongst all agencies, particularly those

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Family Medicine Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Family Medicine - Personal Statement Example There may be numerous venerable paths in medicine; however, family medicine as a field may be considered to provide a transitional level of specialization which entails a thorough acquaintance of the field unlike the girth in other crucial healthcare areas of expertise. Following several experiences in family medicine, the specialty may be termed as a calling rather than a profession; in view of the fact that, it is the only area of medicine that gives a smooth progression into a broad, yet solid basis in the field of medicine. In brief, family medicine residency offers familiarity and exposure to a diverse range of patients, various conditions, treatments and cures, in ways that could not be matched through classroom lectures. I was allured to the field of family medicine for the reason that I wanted to master most medical conditions and have the ability to diagnose and treat them. During the beginning of my clinical career, as a student, I was unnerved into the demanding and multif aceted field of family medicine. I am a migrant from Africa, specifically; Ghana and I entered medical school with the apparition that, people who practice family medicine are individuals with a vast acquaintance in treating incalculable ailments. As a student, I had to get acquainted with particular patient situations and participated in numerous activities intended at expanding my familiarity and exposure to a diverse range of patients, various conditions, treatments and cures, in ways that could not be matched through classroom lectures.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Concept of freedom Essay Example for Free

Concept of freedom Essay 1. Is it possible to measure if anyone is free to any degree? Can freedom be proven? Freedom can hardly be measure as freedom is a controversial abstract concept which people have different interpretations over it. We do not have an absolute definition over the term freedom and thereby there is no absolute operationalization used to measure freedom up to these days. Still, it is commonly agreed by the sociologists that freedom is bounded by many social forces including culture, social institutions, social positions and the like; and under all these social forces, the control over choices and directions that one can enjoy is freedom. By this commonly agreed definition, it is obviously that there is no absolute freedom because of the social constraints; whats more, the definition of freedom is always changing according to the unceasing change of social forces. Therefore, we can never measure the extremity of freedom. Be that as it may, freedom can still be proved and measured in relative terms by comparing the indicators of political rights, economic rights, and civil liberties of different societies as they shows the controls over choices and directions that one can have under social constraints. The more control one has, the more freedom one gets in general. Lets take China and Hong Kong as example. China has a relatively stricter norm in terms of freedom of speech when comparing to Hong Kong, hence we can say that people in China have less freedom of expression compared to those in Hong Kong. By comparison using different indicators, we may measure the relative freedom of different societies. 2. Do you agree that free thought is necessary for free action? I absolutely agree with such saying. Our actions are bounded by social positions and social institutions that have long been constructed no matter whether such practices are genuine or not. These social forces have been parts of the social construction of reality which shape our thinking from the day we are born and control the way we act and live. However, such socially constructed reality is not always legitimate as it seems and in occasions it limits the actions that we may enjoy. Free thoughts in such sense allow critical evaluation over the existing socially constructed reality and may bring changes to the social institutions, structures or positions to allow freer action that people previously cannot enjoy. However, we should also noted that sometimes though social forces have already been mended because of new ideas generated through free thoughts of some people, actions are still being limited because of the deeply rooted old belief in society as a whole and it is always hard for people to have free thoughts. For instance, though the caste system has been legally abolished since 1950, the lower class especially the Dalit people are still seriously discriminated against by the other classes of the society and their actions, such as receiving education and having political rights, are greatly constrained because the thoughts of people in general are still controlled by old social position system that Dalit are outcasts and thus fail to think freely. 3. How would you define freedom? Is it different from this chapters definition? I totally agree with the definition of this chapter that freedom, which refers to the ability to control oneself, ones thinking and ones actions, are restrained by external factors mainly the society and different social forces. Rather than being imprisoned by the existing social constructed reality, free thoughts and free actions are what we should practice. Thinking out of the box and acting according to ones own thought is the only way to truly take control of our lives. 4. Based on the piece by Weber, come up and illustrate with your own examples instances of traditional, charismatic, and rational-legal authority that your are familiar with. Explain why you classify these instances the way you do. Traditional authority: In some indigenous communities which still have a extended family structure such as the communities in walled villages of Hong Kong, the first born male child enjoy the privilege of inheritance. He is also the authority figure of the community. It is legitimated by the sanctity of tradition handed down from the past and is through heredity under patriarchy system. Charismatic authority: Mother Teresa, a very well-respected Catholic religious figure who is regarded as one of the real servants of God because of her morality and contribution to charity in the third world countries. Her exemplary character, faith and spirit inspire Catholics around the world to live truly as a Catholic following Gods will. Her heroism of ministering the poor and needies of the third world countries impresses Catholics and greatly influence their attitudes. Rational-legal authority: Any bureaucratic officials or political leaders. Their authorities are empowered by legal rationality, legal legitimacy and bureaucracy. They implement policies without any interference of people but based on law with legitimacy to govern people.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

How Effective is Online Education? :: Effectiveness of Online Classes

Abstract: Recently, there has been a rush to create web-based instructional courses. The approach that is being taken to create web-based courses is to create websites that will function as the central distributors of information and materials. Based on the format and content of the course, the student is to go through lesson by lesson to complete courses. In this paper, I address some of the problems inherent in this approach, especially with respect to 18-22 year-old undergraduate education. Introduction Technology has had a large impact on the field of education. The proliferation of multimedia resources and limitless amounts of information available through the Internet has fundamentally affected the learning process. Students no longer search through cards and stacks for magazine articles; almost everything is at the click of a finger. Multimedia resources are increasingly utilized in the classroom to help instruct students. Some professors are making conscious efforts to use new technology, so as to introduce and familiarize their students with it. The significance of technology in education is now being elevated to a new plateau. Education through the Internet, the great equalizer, may make it more widely distributed through the phenomenon of online courses. It is the thesis of this paper that online courses are not an effective means to educate traditional undergraduate college aged students (people from 18-22 years old). In the undergraduate educational setting, student proficiency and comfort with technology are stressed, but the essential mission of most undergraduate institutions (especially, liberal arts institutions such as Dartmouth) is on the development of the individual. The nurturing and supportive environment of most undergraduate institutions helps students mature and develop. The rave and fad of online undergraduate learning causes students to miss out on too many intangibles of an on-campus education. Our current theory on education hasn’t adequately dealt with the intricacies of a web-based education, and therefore the effectiveness of such is highly questionable. Initiative One of the most essential ingredients to an effective instructional environment is the initiative of the student. For the traditional undergraduate college student, this is one of the areas in which most problems exist [2]. The ‘traditional’ undergraduate college student should be construed as an average male and female between the ages of 18 and 22 who is at a transitional phase in life and learning to deal with independence.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Micro Expressions: Detecting Lies in the Face and Eyes Essay -- Facia

Lying has been a problem since societies were first formed. Some people are great liars, others are not. But, whether someone is a good liar or not, one-tenth of a second is all it takes for subtle changes known as micro expressions to appear and disappear from a person’s face. These micro expressions are a sign of emotion. The people who read these micro expressions are human lie detectors. Although. police have machines such as the polygraph test, which measures body temperature and voice tone to help them detect when people are lying, micro expressions are far more reliable. Micro expressions are more useful to police than polygraph tests because, polygraph tests only detect spikes in emotion, there is little scientific evidence about accuracy, and micro expressions are proven to help people further scientific research. In the first place, the polygraph test can only detect spikes in emotion unlike micro expressions. Micro expressions are more useful to police because polygraph tests are unreliable; polygraph tests cannot tell which emotion is being felt by the person, they cannot tell why an emotion is being felt, and micro expressions cannot be controlled by people like polygraph tests can. To begin, polygraph tests cannot tell which emotion a person is feeling. Paul Ekman is one of the few scientists who researches micro expressions. He wrote a book called The Polygraph as a Lie Catcher, in this book he addresses the worldwide debate of whether the polygraph is an accurate lie detector. Ekman says, â€Å"Remember that the polygraph test is not a lie detector. It only detects emotional arousal† (251). The polygraph test cannot accurately detect the specific emotion a person is feeling; someone may be feeling nervous and the po... ...ons. Guliford, 2010. 211. Web. 30 jan. 2014. â€Å"Microexpressions: More Than Meets the Eye.† Talk of the Nation/Science Friday (NRP) (2013): Newspaper source. Web. 14 Jan. 2014. â€Å"Micromovements Hold Hidden Information About Severity of Autism, Researches Report.† Indiana University, ISUM Newsroom, 2 December 2013. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. â€Å"Polygraph Validity Research.† American Polygraph Association, 2010. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. Porter, Stephen, and Leanne Ten Brinkle. â€Å"Reading Between the Lies.† N.P. 31 Oct. 2007. Web. 19 Jan. 2014. PDF. Leach, Amy-May, et al. â€Å"The Reliability of Lie Detection Performance.† Law and Human Behavior 33.1 (Feb. 2009): JSTOR. Web. 19 Jan. 2014. Lock, Carrie. â€Å"Deception Detection.† Science News 66.5 (Jul. 31, 2004) : JSTOR. Web. 19 Jan. 2014.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Organisation Study at Minar Ispat PVT LTD Essay

Mr.Muhammed shafi, the managing Director of â€Å"Minar group† of companies with its corporate office at palakkad, Kerala, India mainly engaged in manufacture and supply of various steel and allied products in the country for the past decade and a half .markets its products in the country through a wide dealers network. Beside Steel Industries, Minar group is an also engaged field like Construction, Education, Health, etc Minar ispat (p) ltd,an ISO 9001:2000 certified company in the year 2006 at anakuzhikkara p.o,kuttikatoor ,Kozhikode, and Kerala, India is engaged in manufacturing and marketing of high quality Cold Twisted Deformed(CTD) Bars and Rods and Thermo Mechanical Treated (TMT) Bars Quality M.S Ingots. They ensure their quality through ONLINE COMPUTER CONTROLLED QUENCHING BOX manufactured and erected by M/s RA TMT Bangalore whose technology is approved by the auditors of CRM(Centre For Research in Metallurgy) Belgium for using the â€Å"TEMPCORE† Trade Mark for their products i.e., the license/trade mark issued to the products quality (quality parameters)confirming to the international standards. STRENGTHS The company has obtained ISO 9001-2000 certification Centralized management Good training system Good organizational climate Excellent infrastructure for manufacturing the products Skilled employees Availability of iron ore Availability of labour at low wage rates OPPORTUNITIES High demand of product Introduction of promotional activities Expansion of distributional areas Unexplored rural market Export penetration THREATS Competition from other manufacturers Raw material cost is high and increasing Transportation cost is high Slow industry growth Technological changes Price sensitivity and demand volatility FINDINGS,CONCLUSIONS,SUGGESTIONS FINDINGS Minar ispat pvt ltd produced high quality goods with QC techniques. High competition in the field of steel industry The working environment is very risky The use of TMT technology made great impact on the sales volume The Minar Ispat Pvt Ltd ‘main sales promotion tool is Advertisement through television. The Minar Pvt Ltd has been working with an efficient organizational structure The organization is now showing a profitable position Minar Ispat Pvt Ltd, showing an excellent operational efficiency in all areas. The performance of the Minar is exemplary in market compared to other similar institution. The accounting system is fully computerized. SUGGESTIONS The organization should recruit fresh candidates by imparting necessary training and development so that fresh ideas can be implemented. The organization should try to maintain a better working environment. Implement innovative marketing. Appoint a market research team to know the day change in the market and product. So as to compete with there competitors, the company should improve their quality products by introducing modern technology. This will improve the quality of their products. The organization should give promotion to the workers on the basis of their performance. Consider the employees suggestion  while taking decision in the organization. To keep daily maintenance in the organization. More advertisement technique should used for increasing sales volume. CONCLUSION This industrial training has been completed within frame work laid down in the objective of the study. This study has depicted the overall performance of the organization and its efficiency. From the analysis, it is clear that the organization has been working under the efficient organizational structure. The study is indicating the production activities, financial, performance, operational efficiency, HR activities etc.from the analysis it is clear that the organization follow a good system of organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


You would find forms such as Material Availability Reports, Production Order Forms, Material Requisition Forms, a Production Schedule, and Production Status Forms in the production/conversion cycle. 2) Garbage in garbage out means that if you only put garbage into the data processing cycle, or bad materials or inputs, then you will only get garbage out. You cannot start with bad inputs and expect to get great outputs.To keep this from happening you need to focus on the Inputs that you are putting Into the cycle In order to create and be able to control better outputs. ) Documents that are turnaround documents are going to be forms that the company prints out and gives to an employee that needs to record information on it throughout the day and then input what he has recorded back into the company's computer system at the end of the day. One example would be a gas company who prints out forms and then the employ travels around to read customers meter numbers, he then records them and inputs them back into the computer.Problems: 2) x-x-x-xx X, 1-4 Division X, 1-6 = Major Categories X, 0-9 = Control Account -99 = Subsidiary Accounts for each control account 44 expense accounts would be In the subsidiary accounts for the expense control account, and the 12 variable accounts would be under their appropriate control account. Problems: AAA. Purchase Request C] Purchase Order C] Order Confirmation D Delivery Order C] Receipt/Product Invoice CLC Posting to GAL. or Inventory System b. Sales Order C] Order Number 0 Delivery of Order, Receipt CLC Sales Invoice Posting Sale Transaction to GAL. and Remove Inventory c. Employee Contract Signed 0 Salary Report/Voucher

Clinical Psychology Paper Essay

The great evangelist D.T. Niles once said, â€Å"Christianity is just one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread† (Niles, 2010). At its most basic level, clinical psychology is the enterprise of one educated, licensed person using his or her knowledge of human behavior to address, assuage, or otherwise moderate the troubles and concerns of another person’s life—whether they be relational, affective, or physiological. Strictly speaking, clinical psychology is, â€Å"the assessment, treatment, and understanding of psychological and behavioral problems and disorders† (Plante, 2011, p. 5). Clinical psychology is a scientific endeavor, utilizing the instrument of the scientific method to inform the practice, procedures, and treatments used to address human problems. There is an interplay that exists between treatment outcome research and psychotherapy in clinical psychology—the science informs the art and the art informs the science (Plante, 2011). The point of this paper is to catalogue and compare the history and evolving nature of clinical psychology as well as to consider the specific case of counseling within the framework of clinical psychology. History Hippocrates—the original author of the Hippocratic Oath—formed the first complete, if naà ¯ve, physiological explanation of disease and dysfunction (Plante, 2011). He proposed that imbalances in the mixture and quantity of four fluids: black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood, caused several emotions and psychological maladjustment, such as sadness, irritability, and anger. It was not until the advents of Plato that it was conceived that the metaphysical realm of the soul could have an effect on the corporeal domain. However, it was to Galen that a holistic theory of medicine was formed that incorporated the physiological explanations of Hippocrates with the metaphysical explanations of Plato. Even though Galen’s ideas of bloodletting were flawed, it was a step in the direction of objective explanations of illness and disease. During the middle ages the work of Thomas Aquinas, Paracelsus, and Weyer shifted the discussion of psychology away from the metaphysical and toward physical explanations of mental illness, such as bodily causes, movements of the stars, and behavior. Furthermore, at the dawn of the Renaissance and into the nineteenth century the veil of shadow and secrecy behind the inner workings of the mind, body, and cell were ripped from his or her places and the mediums of scientific observation and laboratory investigation were instituted in the place of religion and mysticism as the sole explanation of illness. The works of Rush, Bernard, and Pinel during this period of history paved the way for more humane approaches to the abnormal and deviant—approaches that sought to alleviate psychological dysfunction rather than simply separate and restrain the dysfunctional. The birth of psychology proper came on the heels of the publishing of Wundt’s The Elements of Psychophysics in 1850 and James’ Principles of Psychology in 1890 (Plante, 2011). These publications, along with the institution of the first psychological laboratory by Wundt, culminated in the founding of the American Psychological Association (APA) in 1892. The main drive behind the fledgling field of psychology was to measure empirically behavior to the end of understanding the subsidiary components of the mind itself. Hence, when clinical psychology first got on its feet four years later (1896), through the opening of the first clinic by Witmer, many psychologists frowned upon the application of the principles of human behavior to clinical situations. This was seen as a step away from a general understanding of human behavior and toward abnormal or dysfunctional psychology. Despite the initial tension between clinical psychology and mainstream psychology, the first formal classes in clinical psychology began in 1904 at the University of Pennsylvania and the first edition of the Journal of Abnormal Psychology was published in 1907. Evolving Nature Despite the disinclination of the APA to embrace an applied approach to psychology, clinical psychology grew rapidly in the beginning of the twentieth century (Plante, 2011). Going back to Plato’s contention of the metaphysical affecting the corporeal, Sigmund Freud postulated that unconscious conflict and strife could have a direct outcome on mental and physical illness. The work of Freud shaped and molded the direction of clinical psychology for many decades after his death. Even though it was not until the Boulder Conference of 1949 that the training guidelines for clinical psychology were mapped out and etched in stone, so to speak. One of the main tenets of these guidelines was that clinical psychologists should have a firm understanding of both psychological research and psychotherapy. It was not until the 1950s and on that Freud’s ideas of human psychology were exchanged for the alternatives of humanism, cognitive-behaviorism, and family systems approaches (Plante, 2011). The changes in psychological perspective were precipitated by the establishment of community mental health facilities and the introduction of psychotropic drugs as a treatment of abnormal psychology. Even though these advancements in conception and treatment offered alternatives to the traditional ideas of psychodynamics and behaviorism, no one theory of human psychology proved to explain the entirety of behavior, dysfunction, and cognition. To that end, parsimoniously eclectic approaches to psychology were adopted—such as the biopsychosocial theory—that incorporated many of the ideas and practices from the abovementioned perspectives. Current Issues The last century of clinical psychology has been characterized by an illness ideology that emphasizes the treatment or preventions of disorders (Maddux, 2008). Even though this approach has utility in the realm of psychotherapy it lacks the ability to enhance the quality of life for people who do not suffer from some type of mental illness. Maddux (2008) proposes that a shift toward positive psychology—a perspective that stresses human strengths and mental health—should be pursued. Positive psychology aims to, â€Å"†¦promote health, happiness, physical fitness, and pleasure, and personal fulfillment through the free pursuit of chosen and valued goals† (Maddux, 2008, p. 68). By shifting toward positive psychology the strengths of people can be used to promote mental health preemptively as well as combat mental illness. At the forefront of the implementation of positive psychology is the innovation of virtual reality (VR) as a means to allow patients to manipulate problematic situations related to his or her mental illness without the use of psychotherapy (Riva, 2009). By creating a safe and comfortable virtual environment patients can explore proactive ways to adapt and mediate his or her mental health problems. Research and Statistics in Clinical Counseling Psychology Rather than approach this section from a structuralist approach (e.g. the ancillary parts of clinical counseling psychology), it seems prudent to offer a specific example of how research and statistics are used and effect clinical counseling psychology. Bakar, Jaafar, Mohamed & Tarmizi (2009) sought to establish a correlation between counseling self-efficacy and trainee counselor performance. Their research found that indeed there is a positive relationship (r(100)=.312p

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Finance assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Finance - Assignment Example These Advisory services provide the clients to grow. A Financer: as a financer it provides their clients i.e. the local, state and national governments to finance and expand the infrastructure. It also works for the clients to transact, support, manage, innovate and invest (The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (GS), 2015). The profit on the investments is known as the rate of return, it can be of two types. Firstly are the Dividends that paid to the shareholders out of the profits of the organization in the form of returns of the investments made by the shareholders. The dividend rate is announced by the Board of Directors of the organization. Secondly, the return is in the form of Capital Gain/Loss. Mostly, the capital gain is reinvested by the shareholders to get new shares of the company. The total return can be calculated by adding the Dividends and the Capital Gain. Where Rs denotes the rate of return from investment in the company’s shares, DY denotes the dividend yield that provides investors the idea about the actual percentage of returns paid out to the shareholders in the form of dividends, and CG is the capital gain that shareholders can achieve from their holding in the company’s shares. The dividend yield can be calculated using the following formula. Where, D1 is the dividend expected in period 1 that is determined by applying an estimated growth rate of dividends to the dividend paid in period 0, P0 refers to the price of the company’s shares in period 0 and P1 is the stock price in period 1. It helps in measuring the risk of change in the value of the company’s stock in relation to the change in the value of the market index. It is mainly used to compare the risk of one stock with other stocks. The measure can help investors make their investment decisions based on their risk assessment and acceptance of risk. The value of beta equal to 1 represents that

Monday, October 7, 2019

GBI Brunei Initiatives - Transformation and Sustainability Essay

GBI Brunei Initiatives - Transformation and Sustainability - Essay Example Green building initiatives are constrained by the challenging processes of transition to sustainable development, technological setback, limited population awareness, limited skilled labor and the high cost of the green building processes. Research and literature have revealed that GBI approach is feasible, and it is in line with Vision 2035 goals. However, the dream would be effectively realized if a focus is directed on tackling the inherent obstacles. In all the efforts, there are high expectations for the government to partake further initiatives in order to align the GBIs with vision 2035 goals. In the contemporary world, the need to embrace or strive towards the attainment of green economy is particularly emphasized. The emphasis is increasingly being laid upon every area of human social and economic activity, including the building processes. In Brunei, this scenario is well depicted by the existence of Green building initiative. Green building initiative refers to use of environmental friendly practices in the design, construction and operation of buildings. It is an effort by the present generations to preserve resources and the environment for future generations. This paper analyses the GBI in Brunei, the extent Brunei has adopted the practice, the problems it is facing and how these problems can be solved. The objective of this paper is to assess the extent to which the GBI goals are feasible, highlight the inherent impediments and propose possible measures. A survey questionnaire, which is directed to designers, builders and users of different buildings, is used. Thi s is informed by the fact that the employment of questionnaire interview would be pivotal in ascertaining the commitment, as well as the perception of different stakeholders towards the GB initiative. As the globe strives to achieve a green, sustainable economy, Brunei has not been left out. This is clearly

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Public Policy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Public Policy - Assignment Example The social acceptability of a policy proposal is the most important criteria for evaluating public policy proposal or programs. All the policies developed in a society should have the ultimate welfare of the society as the motivating factor. For example, the government of a country that is 70% Muslim realizes that prostitution, being an illegal business, is being conducted in secret. Some of the legislators propose legalization of prostitution so that the government can benefit by getting revenue from the business through taxes (Julnes 124). Some of the legislators argue against it on the grounds that the Muslim culture does not accept prostitution. In an effort to analyze the public policy proposal, the individuals involved are faced with two options; to choose the need for the government to increase revenue or to choose the social acceptability of the policy to the society. In the end, the social acceptability aspect of the policy is the most important; since the welfare of the people should take center stage in such an analysis (Vedung 15). In conclusion, the issue of evaluating and passing judgment on public policies is a complex process that requires taking into consideration all the criteria for the evaluation process. Even so, public policies should be developed such that it benefits the

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Jewish Museum Berlin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Jewish Museum Berlin - Essay Example Under it, one would see an independent infrastructure on the outside though both the new and old buildings are interconnected underground. There is a second underground tunnel that directs one to the E.T.A Hoffmann Garden or The Garden of Exile and a final underground tunnel that leads from the Museum to the Holocaust Tower which is a 79 foot tall empty silo. This final tunnel is an empty concrete where light can only come through a small slit of the roof that covers it. These three tunnels are three spaces that represents the connection of the realities of Jewish life in Germany- Continuity of that history, Emigration from Germany, and of course, the Holocaust. Today, there is a multifunctional space that gave way to the establishment of the Museum’s restaurant and also an area to hold lectures, concerts, and events while still keeping up with the Baroque style of architecture. 1 A lot about the infrastructure’s architecture has a lot to do with the cultural circumstances, both social and intellectual of that time. The interconnections of the three tunnels actually represented Berlin politics at that time where East and West Germany was starting to build and develop a relationship on the year 1960s which only came to a halt when they started competing with each other in year 1989. The spaces that are readily felt and seen inside the building highlights that relationship which was anything but static, resulted by the political clashes afterwards. The Museum’s extension, showed the re-integration of the understanding of politics and social significance at that time which is hoped to bring the East and the West Germany together. Also, the changing mood of the entrants from the cool and neutral spaces to a radical and zigzag design which earned the name â€Å"Blitz† are a strong symbolism of the unstable and ever changing history at that time

Friday, October 4, 2019

Media Audience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Media Audience - Essay Example Media research problems are many and some of them are connected with the ethnography. Meeting people, observing them, participating in their activities, experiencing, reflecting, and understanding are considered to be the real ethnography. Media ethnography is virtual, proper, accumulated experiences, matters of every day life, some important and the rest unimportant. There should be a tradition, or continuity in it because the field or object should have existed for at least a certain amount of time, media ethnographies are about the end users, here, they are the audience. It is important to know how ethnography could be contextualised. While researching on the key issue of ethnography, mostly it is done on the constraints placed on the media. Media ethnography studies various fields of media and how it could be used in understanding the audience. "Audiences are not blank sheets of paper on which media messages can be written; members of an audience will have prior attitudes and beliefs which will determine how effective media messages are," Abercrombie (1996, p. 140). Media ethnography is a new methodology, and one of... In wireless research communication poses methodological challenges where cell phone usage is concerned. It is interesting to find out the social rules, adherence and breakage from them, and how new rules and new cell phone etiquette are formulated all the time. It maps the cell phone's capacity of fast becoming the social topography markers and it analyses the trend. Researchers face the problems of analysing the modifications, innovations, discoveries, new social interactions, violations, discarding of old social behaviours over the phone. New media research is also forced to analyse the usage of codes in social interactions and conversations. There are many challenges that are confronted by media researchers in coding too. If the research is about the internet, researcher has to find the reason, motivation, kinds of information and decision making while researching on internet. It is important to know how it is used for online interviews, how people are found and positioned, in what way it is better than personal interviews, or over telephone and how it is using the updated technology. It is also interesting to find out about the chat rooms that use many topics, political, economical, social, religious, cultural and informational and why, how and how often they use this facility. Researching on use-net and message boards had not been easy either. Researcher faces difficulties in finding people for interview and retaining their interest for the time of his research. Good sampling is an equally difficult task because to create and structure such a group of par excellence again is very difficult. Formatting the interview, deciding its mode and means of conducting such an

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Dialectial Journal Essay Example for Free

Dialectial Journal Essay Dialectical Journals But today he saw one of the rivers secrets, one that gripped his soul. He saw that the water continually flowed and flowed and yet it was always there; It was always the same and yet every moment it was new. pg. 102 C)Slddhartha ponders about a secret of the river. It Is one that he never realized before. The water flows continuously and remains constant. It Is the same, and yet It Is new. Life seems to be like this. Everyone of us has life, and we live It. The world eems to continuously move and go on, despite the changes that happen. People die and people are born: people succeed and people fall. Every moment Is new, yet the world keeps going, time Is constant and does not stand still for anyone. The river teaches Siddhartha a lesson that he does not fully comprehend at that moment, yet remains an Important lesson to learn. But today he saw one of the rivers secrets, one that gripped his soul. He saw that the water continually flowed and flowed and yet it was always there; it was always the C)Siddhartha ponders about a secret of the river. It is one that he never realized before. The water flows continuously and remains constant. It is the same, and yet it is new. Life seems to be like this. Everyone of us has life, and we live it. The world and people are born: people succeed and people fail