Friday, October 4, 2019

Media Audience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Media Audience - Essay Example Media research problems are many and some of them are connected with the ethnography. Meeting people, observing them, participating in their activities, experiencing, reflecting, and understanding are considered to be the real ethnography. Media ethnography is virtual, proper, accumulated experiences, matters of every day life, some important and the rest unimportant. There should be a tradition, or continuity in it because the field or object should have existed for at least a certain amount of time, media ethnographies are about the end users, here, they are the audience. It is important to know how ethnography could be contextualised. While researching on the key issue of ethnography, mostly it is done on the constraints placed on the media. Media ethnography studies various fields of media and how it could be used in understanding the audience. "Audiences are not blank sheets of paper on which media messages can be written; members of an audience will have prior attitudes and beliefs which will determine how effective media messages are," Abercrombie (1996, p. 140). Media ethnography is a new methodology, and one of... In wireless research communication poses methodological challenges where cell phone usage is concerned. It is interesting to find out the social rules, adherence and breakage from them, and how new rules and new cell phone etiquette are formulated all the time. It maps the cell phone's capacity of fast becoming the social topography markers and it analyses the trend. Researchers face the problems of analysing the modifications, innovations, discoveries, new social interactions, violations, discarding of old social behaviours over the phone. New media research is also forced to analyse the usage of codes in social interactions and conversations. There are many challenges that are confronted by media researchers in coding too. If the research is about the internet, researcher has to find the reason, motivation, kinds of information and decision making while researching on internet. It is important to know how it is used for online interviews, how people are found and positioned, in what way it is better than personal interviews, or over telephone and how it is using the updated technology. It is also interesting to find out about the chat rooms that use many topics, political, economical, social, religious, cultural and informational and why, how and how often they use this facility. Researching on use-net and message boards had not been easy either. Researcher faces difficulties in finding people for interview and retaining their interest for the time of his research. Good sampling is an equally difficult task because to create and structure such a group of par excellence again is very difficult. Formatting the interview, deciding its mode and means of conducting such an

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